ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

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ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

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ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

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ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

According to the culturally diverse model, the goal of society should be to recognizethe legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and embrace the advantages of biculturalism. Were more in favor of group rather than individual action for dealing withdiscrimination.c. Which of the following culture-bound syndromes are attributed to "an excess lossof semen":a. Amok.b. c. Studies indicate that women and ethnic minorities are worse readers of nonverbal cues than White males. Which of the following statements are needed to develop one's cultural competence: a. Cognitive understanding. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session. What is the key element that can destroy trustworthiness within a helpingrelationship?a. Enhancing trustworthiness between a counselor and a client is a building block toa healthy working relationship. The author asserts that more and more people of color are coming to hold whichworldview?a. c. Counselor-centered. Other manifestations of bigotry and discrimination.e. Feel uncomfortable.d. She has a BSc in Psychology from the . d. Empathy, genuineness, confidentiality, defensiveness. b. It presumes that insight is relevant. b. Avoidance of eye contact is often interpreted negatively. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. Beliefs such as "we are all part of the human race" and "I do not see color" aremost helpful in establishing empathy between the therapist and clients of color. Which of the following represents a cultural adaptation of an EST:a. b. It is better for therapists to own up to committing a microaggression in sessionthan to pretend it never happened. Microaggressions can: a. A shaman is a male healer who is able to communicate with the spirit world. High-low context.d. Most graduate programs continue to give inadequate treatment to the mental healthissues of ethnic minorities. d. Before coming to the United States, his past life was relatively peaceful. . And sometimes, seemingly "small" things that are outside of the core work of counseling can make a big difference to a client. b. A White therapist tells an Asian client that s. Microaggressions:a. d. None of the above. If a person believes in the concepts of democracy and fairness, they are incapableof discrimination. Anticipate potential conflicts in belief systems that might hinder the ability tobe therapeutically effective.b. Minority clients most likely terminate prematurely from therapy sessions because they realize they actually do not need the help. Which of the following is true regarding Western forms of healing: a. c. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to improve the life of only one family member. Spirituality involves a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs. 2.With every client. A fatalistic perspective.c. c. Asian American. Some African Americans tend to feel it is more important to listen to what aWhite person has to say than to pay attention to non-verbal behavior. d. White privilege. Many members of marginalized groups feel that the reality of their oppressive experiences is ignored by those in power because of their own discomfort. b. maintain an indifferent, neutral, and passive role by simply listening to everything the client reports. b. b. The women who switched their purses in the Candid Camera example were most likely deceiving interviewers when they claimed to be non-biased against Black and Latino youth. d. Trying to manipulate the counselor. One stop for all your course learning material, explainations, examples and practice questions. "Having the ability to expand our definition of the helping role to community work and involvement" signifies: a. I'm a full-stack operator that has experience ranging from business strategy to tactical execution of product roadmaps. e. None of the above. b. IC-ER. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. African Americans believe in espiritismo, a world where spirits can have a major impact on people residing in the physical world. d. The shock of realizing how distant one has become from the traditions and beliefs of their culture. Ethnocentric Monoculturalism.c. Scientific Empiricism. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. It is important to isolate bias from other barriers to high-quality mental health care and to . All of the. b. Dissonance Stage.d. "fears of White people" b. As a counselor, what stereotypes, perceptions, and beliefs about culturally diverse groups do you personally and professionally hold that may hinder your ability to form a helpful and effective relationship? Nonverbal cues are important because they often reflect our conscious biases. While a Black American therapist may value sitting close to an Asian American client in therapy, this client may feel the close conversing distance to be an intrusion of personal space. When a therapist of color has a healthy racial identity, he/she is immune from experiencing stereotype threat. c. Services are too accommodating. b. Disrespectful and unintelligent. How an individual understands his or her race.b. a. Negates important aspect of people of color's identity. A belief system challenged by reality and social experiences of being a visible racial/ethnic minority. Revamping our training programs to include accurate and realistic multicultural content and experiences. A measure of control clients possess over their internal and externalenvironment.c. Resistance and Immersion Stage.b. How should a counselor enter a situation with a client who is culturally different? Help the client "fit in" and "become a good citizen. Nonverbal.c. Shame, disgust, frustration.d. The nature and expression of racism has evolved, Covert sexism is:a. IC-ER.c. c. It is a form of massage therapy to suck out "bad" air. c. Space and time are fixed and are absolute constructs of reality. Consequence Stage.d. All of the above. Which of the following claims does the author make: a. Counseling and therapy are not needed. Implement strategies that have only been validated by research. Microaggressions are often subtle and can be manifested in the following realmsEXCEPT:a. Verbal.b. Collectivistic cultural values.c. How can the Racial Cultural Identity Development Model be helpful to counselors? b. Different cultural groups may be more receptive to certain counseling styles because of cultural and sociocultural factors. Worldview can be defined broadly as: a. Asian psychologies focus on enlightenment and ideal mental health rather than psychopathology. c. Building a healthy validating society for all groups. e. Both b and c. When counselors unwittingly impose monocultural standards without regard for differences in race, culture, gender, and sexual orientation, they may be engaging in: a. Multicultural Counseling Chapter 1-11 - Flashcards, Niobium - titanium (1:1) NbTi structure - Flashcards, Free online plagiarism checker with percentage, a topic sentence that states the main or controlling idea, supporting sentences to explain and develop the point youre making, evidence from your reading or an example from the subject area that supports your point. In the case study of Phuoc Nguyen, which of the following explains why Phuoc would not undress for the nurse to show his bruises and scars? b. Hispanic Americans.c. People sensing they are being tolerated don't feel welcome.d. : a. Conformity Stage. In order to become culturally competent, it is equally important to read aboutdiverse groups as it is to increase your contact with diverse groups. The term control ideology refers to:a. d. Potential changes are viewed as positive by the client. d. Resistance and Immersion Stage. c. Listen to hip-hop music. a. d. The intelligence model. d. Changing the individual to adjust or conform to a sick system or unhealthy situation may be unwittingly the goal of unenlightened therapy. b. Findings from qualitative research can inform an empirically supported treatment. Behavioral. The ability, Which of the following is not a guiding principle for effective multiculturalcounseling and therapy:a. d. A strong sense of self-worth. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. Which of the following is an approach often used in indigenous healing methodsin Korea:a. She is in the Microsoft Cloud for Industry Global Expansion Team (MCIGET) Industry Customer & Partner Engineering (ICPE) team. c. Visual. the weather). Culturally diverse clients who do not conceive of mental and physical health asseparate entities may expect:a. Empathic listening.b. d. None of the above. There is no braille next to the numbers in a elevator.d. Reality consists of what can be observed and measured via the five senses.c. a. c. White middle-class individuals believe that emotion and reason work against one another. ___________ is known to significantly enhance the therapeutic bond. The expectation of hopelessness is characterized in which constellation?a. e. None of the above. d. Mesh well with the more collectivistic orientations of people of color. d. Racial identity. b. IC-ER person. d. All of the above. may act as the extended family?a. Traditional medicine. Koro.c. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Make clients feel uncomfortable and assail their identity. What generally moves an individual into the Dissonance Stage?a. The role of counselor should be broadened to include teaching, consulting, and advocacy. Often occur when there are no plausible alternative explanations. b. Left-brain activities. c. Textbooks on history often put too much emphasis on the importance of other countries. Designed for anyone working with English as a source or target language, this . 1 . d. EC-ER. . Resistant and disrespectful, Insight is considered class-bound because:a. Social justice is about:a. c. Latin Americans may feel more uncomfortable having a desk between them and the person they are speaking to. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to shelter the disturbed individual. Therapists of color are more qualified to understand clients' feelings of inferiorityand rejection because of their own experiences of racism and discrimination. Resistance and Immersion Stage.c. Ignoring the thoughts of others.b. An example of merging evidence-based practice. d. All of the above. c. What explains the perseverance of the belief among members of certain sociodemographic categories that they are undergoing oppression in the United States? c. The counselor is a stranger to the client. U.S. society is characterized by which philosophy?a. It implies that appreciation is being fostered.b. Regard themselves as nonprejudiced, Inheriting negative feelings and beliefs about members of marginalized groups is:a. Avoidable due to the socialization process in the U.S.b. Your client, Michael, from a lower socioeconomic background may have a low regard for punctuality because: a. The easier access to benefits because of the possession of "desired" characteristicsin the U.S. is referred to as:a. Cling to outdated traditions.c. An Indian belief. b. : the state of being a minor. competent counselor should broach the topic of culture? Signup for our newsletter to get notified about our next ride. Racial identity.e. EC-ER. Which of the following is NOT a relevant question for counselors to ask:a. Low-contex, In considering nonverbal cues as a source of bias:a. b. d. Sexism that has many socially positive effects, which are not recognized. b. b. b. Communication styles are:a. The author makes the following claim: a. d. The client is encouraged to directly confront their parents about historical issues between them during assertiveness training. The study of kinesics refers to perception and use of personal and interpersonalspace. Defer to peo, The inclusive definition of multiculturalism believes that:a. f. None of the above. What assumptions are embedded in the African American notion, "If you really want to know what White folks are thinking and feeling, don't listen to the way they say it, but how they say it."? b. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. b. Some Asians believe that smiling may suggest weakness. March came in like a lion under the Gold Dome on Wednesday. A male coworker has pinups of nude women in his cubicle.b. Which of the following statements is NOT true about racism: a. Eurocentric counseling practices: a. Which of the following is considered a shortcoming of empirically supportedtreatments:a. Inheriting negative feelings and beliefs about members of marginalized groups is: a. Avoidable due to the socialization process in the U.S. b. People are more likely to deny racism or sexism than transphobia. Culturally adapted ESTs have been successfully used with Asian Americans experiencing phobias. b. European immigrants escaping persecution did not recognize their role in the oppression of American Indians. A person is more likely to engage in overt discrimination when their anonymity isinsured. c. Unequal and unfair treatment of women that appears unusual to the majority of people and is carried out unintentionally or unconsciously. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. Many Black Americans make infrequent e. Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding proxemics:a. Is able not to personalize hostility expressed toward him or her.c. Cultural competence.d. May betray a lack of comfort with talking about group differences. c. Attributing blame to counselors for past injustices. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to problem solve in a group context. When differences exist between a client's view of a problem and the therapist's theoretical conceptualization, __________ dynamics are likely to occur. c. Why do oppressed groups overreact to unintentional insults that denigrate their way of being? c. Very few minority groups are included in clinical trials. Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices of the larger culture. d. The absence of a father in the Black family does not necessarily mean that the children do not have a father figure. The professor in the dialogue presented in Chapter 2 believes that:a. The publication of The Bell Curve represents which of the following: a. In regard to the meaning of facial expressions: a. He doesn't like the concept of time.c. Explain cap-and-trade and the Kyoto Protocol. Repressed, inhibited, shy, or passive. Of the biased nature of the services themselves. Puts the power of the relationship into the hands of the counselor. During assertiveness training, the client is encouraged to express themselves boldly and freely. As a helping professional, what emotional reactions around "race" do you possess that may act as a barrier to effective multicultural counseling? Social justice: a. Most empirically supported treatments have been specifically demonstrated to beeffective with ethnic minorities. Minority standard time" refers to the poor people's tendency to disregardpunctuality due to a conflict with their past-focused time orientation.v, Which of the following has been described as a challenge faced by counselors intreating culturally diverse populations:a. Linguistic barriers, because the U.S. is largely a monolingual society.b. The flight from ambiguity. Prevention is better than intervention.c. In 1971, Sue and Sue developed an early model of development, which was used to explain clinical differences amongst Chinese Americans. Counselors have an opportunity to build trust with a client with every interaction. An emotional bond between therapist and client. Conformity Stage. Sadness. Anticipate potential conflicts in belief systems that might hinder the ability to be therapeutically effective. Many ethnic minorities do not distinguish between mental and physicalfunctioning, and as a result may expect therapists to provide immediate solutionsas a minister or medical doctor would. One of the four psychological dilemmas that have been identified whenmicroaggressions occur is the "clashing of cultural values. c. People sensing they are being tolerated don't feel welcome. Sexism.c. c. Assumes that shared experiences aid in the formation of worldviews d. All of the above. e. None of the above. Studies in, Which statement about the differences between Black and White styles ofcommunication is inaccurate?a. None of the above. c. Low in his/her racial identity. a. IC-IR. Sadness, guilt, anxiety. Acting appropriately.b. b. ______________ involves the therapist's emotional reaction to the client based onthe therapist's own set of attitudes, beliefs, values, or experiences. c. Measures the degree of responsibility of blame placed on the individual or system. How a person perceives his or her relationship to nature, institutions, people,and the experiential world.c. Nonverbal cues are important because they often reflect our conscious biases. b. Diversity. There is limited tension and stereotyping between groups of color in the United States. INTRODUCED BY CUTLER, FEBRUARY 27, 2023 . Begin to use them to replace current methods that deal with racial minorities. They believe Whites speak standard English and will be unable to understand them. The Afro-centric perspective teaches that human beings should be oriented towardindividual survival. They view Whites as agents of society who may use the information against them. Which of the following is true regarding interpretation of verbal and nonverbal communication? Dispassionate.d. Have a detrimental impact upon marginalized groups. ; ; etina; Dansk; Deutsch; Eesti; ; Espaol; Esperanto; Euskara; ; Franais; ; c. Visiting places of worship. Rather than labeling thoughts as rational or irrational, the terms "helpfulthoughts" and "unhelpful thoughts" are used.b. The lack of facial expression in many Asians has contributed to their "modelminority" status.b. e. None of the above. d. Introspection Stage. c. May betray a lack of knowledge about racial groups. Which statement about the differences between Black and White styles of communication is inaccurate? a. : the period before attainment of majority. Diversity.c. Free from any preconceived notions or generalizations.b. ; Each of us saw her duck - It is not clear whether the word "duck" refers to an action of ducking, or a duck that is a bird. c. Mahiki. Psychoanalysis with a psychiatrist.d. Espiritismo refers to: a. Which of the following is true regarding interpretation of verbal and nonverbalcommunication:a. African American speakers are often accused by White Americans of being"more substance than style."b. June 12, 2022 . Subgroup. b. IC-ER. b. d. Conformity Stage. A person is more likely to engage in overt discrimination when their anonymity is insured. When counselors remain unaware of their own biases, their nonverbal behaviors are likely to reveal their true feelings. In the opening vignette involving the Japanese American woman, the term racial awakening is related to: a. a. Integrative Awareness Stage. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. b. American Indians. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. putter loft and lie adjustment; you my baby daddy i want child support; apartments for rent in gander nl; Search In examining the status of ethnic minority groups in the Los Angeles County Mental Health System and the effects of ethnic and language match, our study had some unique features. e. None of the above. Person-centered.c. Counselors who believe that direct eye contact is a positive indicator of mentalhealth may:a. Alien in Own Landd. question. Internal Control (IC) refers to: a. c. Insight. What is problematic about the notions that stressing differences is potentially divisive? d. Alternative helping roles are emphasized. It is a matter of concern that clients from ethnic minorities are the most unlikely to use therapeutic services. d. Believe their ethnicity represents a handicap in Western society. Is open to viewing problems as stemming from survival mechanisms. Microaggressions: a. b. Empathic. b. c. Shame, disgust, frustration. In the Racial/Cultural Identity Model, the authors believe that the ____________ stage continues to be most characterized by individuals who have bought into societal definitions about their minority status. Amok. Agreeableness.b. According to the authors, cultural competence is subordinate to counselingcompetence. Puts the power of the relationship into the hands of the. d. Catatonic Disorder. The barrier between therapist and client because of differences in goals.d. Encountering a person of color who believes in the inferiority of other peopleof color.c. He does not own a watch.b. c. The destruction of the physical world. Many members of marginalized groups feel that the reality of their oppressiveexperiences is ignored by those in power because of their own discomfort. b. A full understanding of how racism operates in society and hatred towardsWhites.b. EC-IR.d. d. Rational. Race is the only reference group included in the definition. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session. The largest percentage of religious harassment and civil rights violations in America are committed against Jewish and Muslim individuals. When counseling culturally diverse clients, how does one reconcile such major differences in worldviews? He does not own a watch. In the Resistance and Immersion stage, the minority person tends to____________ minority-held views completely and to _________ the dominantvalues of society and culture.

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ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

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ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

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ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

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ambiguity during a session may make the minority client

ambiguity during a session may make the minority client
