ray mentzer workout routine

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ray mentzer workout routine

Twenty reps, Arthur repeated, after asking us about his progress, hell, he can do 50 with each leg. Over the next three minutes, Viator not only did 50 reps, but 2 more for good measure. Reduce your resistance 30% and your reps about half of normal. There are a few in that category today, but there werent any in 1983. Hutchins wanted to respond, but didnt. He would exert himself to the point of muscle failure because of this. He started competing in the most prestigious competitions all over America, establishing himself in the process. It had been a while since he had written a book on bodybuilding, and other than the late Mike Mentzers last book there hasnt been any books on the subject worth reading for quite a while that Im aware of. Ray Mentzer Stats Maintaining a healthy weight as a bodybuilder becomes increasingly essential, especially after age 40. Ive experimented with all styles of leg presses and this one is the hardest of all. Jones predicted that Casey would be more massive, with even more definition, by the 1971 Mr. America contest, which was 6 months away. Ray will be remembered for his incredible strength and never-say-die outlook on training and life. Net Worth, Partner, Biography. The legacy he left to those in the Iron Game is his controversial workout program, Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty. Instead, the book was assigned to Carol Angstadt, of Rodales womens publishing group, who had never before been involved with a bodybuilding book. Mike Mentzer's brother, Ray, put three-eights on an inch on his presumably larger upper arm in six weeks, performing no more direct arm work that chins and dips. I dont believe Casey ever got his muscular, competitive body weight above 220. In my new HIT book, I note that Arthur Jones personally trained Casey Viator for 10 months prior to the 1971 Mr. America contest. and a mutual friend told me that Cooper still didnt care for strength training. Our double-team plan had failed. But I dont think Arnolds triceps, nor forearms, were in the same category as Viators, Olivas, and Coes. No problem, he simply dropped down on one knee in front of Cooper and continued. After multiple visits, Hutchins was hired in 1977 by our sports-medicine orthopedist to be his assistant. Photography: To illustrate the history, I also have more than a hundred photographs from the 1970s that are placed throughout the text. Ellington Darden: Hes Andy McCutcheon and hes been using HIT principles since 1988, when he trained at Dorian Yatess gym in Birmingham, England. The website's content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. No other training book has this type of history or background material, which I believe is worthwhile and meaningful in understanding the why of HIT. Life is too short to be small. Four years passed . One deals with a follow-up to my 1995 book, Living Longer Stronger, which was written for men between the ages of 40 and 60. One day, Martina Navratilova, the famous tennis player phoned. It was Dr. Kenneth Cooper. I read all the bodybuilding magazines from 1959 until 1972, and I never came across anything remotely similar to the emphasis and guidelines Jones placed on lowering a heavy weight. He ate a well-balanced diet that included foods from many dietary groups, such as grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, and healthy fat sources, as opposed to focusing solely on proteins. Serves coffee strong enough to stand an elephant on its ear. Ellington Darden: Ive trained Boyer Coe, Joe Means, Scott Wilson, and Ray Mentzer to name four. Then, perform slowly paced reps in the hardest one-third (or stage), first; the second hardest, next; and the easiest thirst, last. Jones began immediately training Viator on a three-times-per-week schedule, and true to his expectations, Viator started growing. Arthur Jones was a genius, but he had a tendency to be abrasive with some people, and if it were not for people like Ell Darden and Jim Flanagan who were much better with people the Nautilus company and Arthurs training principles probably would not have been as successful as they are. Recently, I attended a reunion of Texas bodybuilders and lifters from the 1960s, which was held at Ronnie Rays home in Dallas. Likewise, the indirect effect ought to be greater as well. After Ray retired from completion he continued to workout with his high intensity training approach he called "Intensity For Immensity" and reached a peak body weight of 270 pounds in fairly lean condition. Hutchins was mostly involved in the physical therapy side of Nautilus, which finally led to his supervisory position in a Nautilus-sponsored osteoporosis research project at the University of Florida Medical School in 1982. None of the suggestions (including exercise, diet, products or services) mentioned should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. Exercises that required a great deal of intensity in a short amount of time were the focus of heavy-duty training. Triceps ExtensionSuper-slow There were Clancy Ross (45) and George Eiferman (48), with their massive chests, as well as John Farbotnik (50). When I went to Baylor University in 1962, there was a guy on the football team named Bobby Crenshaw. Didnt Jones measure and compare all of their arms? Dumbell Flye They can also be produced synthetically or Robert Kennedy Memorial @ Casa Del Mar, Santa Monica By Jerry Fredrick, 10 Signs Your Testosterone May Be Too Low, 4 Ways Sugar Does Harm To Your Body and What To Do, Top 10 Best Partner Workout Exercises for Valentines Day, Workout and Diet Like Kang the Conqueror: Jonathan Majors, Fuel Your Muscles: Top 16 Best High-Protein Foods, New Year Resolution Tips | Guide for Beginners. Since they were a few of the forerunners of High Intensity Training, one question I get about them is: How intense was their training? DB shoulder press - 1 x 8 reps As well I found him very bias towards AJ, as in he was never wrong. Get ready for an incredible pump. Only then do you let it return to full extension. Ray had massive 20-inch arms and 30-inch thighs. Thus, he simplified his routine to upper body only. In a relative sense, the so-called easiest stage will not seem at all easy. HIT training w/deads can be brutal, squats are equally brutal. No one could motivate Casey the way Arthur could. The plain truth is that hundreds of thousands of men throughout the middle of the last century strengthened and built their bodies without drugs. Joe Weider rehired Mike in the fall of that year, but after six months, Mentzer left to assume the editorship of Workout, a newly launched magazine. He accepted Joness pushing to a magnitude that few people could have stomached. Wrist roller, Day Three The advanced and super advanced techniques were fully researched and tested by Mike in the late 70's, but following the infamous 1980 Mr.Olympia . Hi Drew, I was just reading that interview, Ive bought his book,hoping there would be something new, but have found that he was just vomiting what arthur jones did and said. Ray Mentzer's Mr. America Pec Routine Ray Mentzer Workout Here are some excerpts, from a 1979 interview where Ray talks about his workouts leading up to his Mr. America victory. In fact, Ray would regularly host Saturday night squat parties. Assuming you understand the meaning of deep commitment and very hard work, that routine will guide you to significant gains. Staying off stages for most of the rest of the decade, Viator worked for Jones at Nautilus until 1978. When Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu visited the Nautilus headquarters in mid-November 1970, Viator weighed 215 pounds and impressed both of the professional champions. His first scheduled contests under Joness guidance were Teenage Mr. America, during the last week of July, followed a month later by Mr. USA. Terms of Use - Disclaimer - Privacy Policy. Stump later introduced me to the guy who eventually became the editor of The New High-Intensity Training. My suspicion is that the physical weights have great symbolic value in the psychology of training, so no one really gives isometrics a good run. Mike was 11 years old, while Ray was 9 years old. Drew Baye: That 18-1/2 pounds of muscle built by David Hudlow in two weeks seems almost too good to be true. However, Ray used a variety of techniques to up the ante on his training. Also I put Steve Reeves through a workout in 1978, as well as Frank Zane and Bob Guida. There was none of this flexed posturing that you normally see among men with big arms. Weight: 220 lbs. Drew Baye: The publisher of your new HIT book is Rodale. But now, judging from the photo spreads in the magazines, its ridiculous. He was always clear about his goals and diligent in pursuing them. The #1 Source For Oldtime Strongman Training Secrets. I dont believe Arthur really hired Ell for research and development, I believe he hired him because he knew he needed someone who was intelligent and charismatic and could write and speak well to be a spokesperson for Nautilus. First, you need to have access to an efficient leg-press machine, one that you can adjust by moving the seat forward to prevent you from locking the knees. He stood only 58u2032 yet packed 215 pounds of rock-solid muscle on his frame. Some years ago, I saw all the records Jones kept from training Casey during 1970 and 1971. I never witnessed anyone else get a single rep with the entire stack and there were a lot of big, strong athletes who tried. . How were they to work with? Homemade Salsa, Fresh Toppings, Make Mango Ginger Rice Bowl, Tasty And Delightful, How To Make Caramelized Onions, Sweet, Delicious, How to make Reuben Egg Rolls at home? Furthermore, he bench-pressed and deadlifted significantly more weight in 1970 than I did in 1962. In my mind, Im thinking . They favored lower reps so it was different than the way someone like Platz and Casey generated intensity. . Ray and Mike both visited their mother while she was in the hospital. This can be carried to a logical extreme. According to Ray, he got more attention at the airport than Martina did, the dirty car turned her off, and the ride back to Lake Helen was hot, both in temperature and in conversation. He registered no weight gain during days 12, 13, and 14, so I just called it two weeks to keep it in line with the other two-week plans in the book. By Paul Becker. Copyright © 2001-2020 BodybuildingFanatic.com. All the other HIT books eventually have you performing split routines. Rest 1 minute The lobby was even more crowded, so I had to kneel on the floor beside Hutchins. But with Viator, Sergio Oliva, Boyer Coe, and the other athletes I watched him train, a small amount of cheating was acceptable. And Mike made at least one appearance at the old Lancaster Health Spa. Ray Mentzer was even stronger than Mike, right? With The New HIT, youll have the next-best thing to thing to being personally trained by Arthur Jones. Thank you for your reply; I appreciate that this is stuff yet to be fully resolved by science but for me your considered opinion nevertheless carries weight. Ray quickly surpassed the 250 lb weight threshold thanks to an excessive intake of calories. Does he start splitting his workouts? Then again on things like squats they trained more traditional (but of course very heavy). Bodybuilding was a lot healthier then. He developed Bergers illness. But his well-documented progress is nonetheless directly attributable to his well-organized increase in intensity and the attendant diminishing of exercise volume. At that time, Nautilus had three, state-of-the-art television studios in Lake Helen. Mentzer wrote several books about weight training. High-intensity training (HIT) is a form of strength training popularized in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus.The training focuses on performing quality weight training repetitions to the point of momentary muscular failure.The training takes into account the number of repetitions, the amount of weight, and the amount of time the muscle is exposed to tension in order to . Make no mistake here. He stood only 5'8 yet packed 215 pounds of rock-solid muscle on his . Drew Baye: Ive read that Ray Mentzer was somewhat of a comedian. But it was no use. It didn't take long for Ray's body weight to climb from 250 to a lean 260 pounds. For this discussion, though, I'm considering conventional equipment which restricts most large-muscle moves to multijoint exercises. How much of an effect an unexercised muscle receives from an exercised muscle depends mainly on two things - the size of the worked muscle and its proximity to the unworked muscle. I talked about not-to-failure training in the middle of my first Nautilus book, but it wasnt emphasized. After Mike left Nautilus and returned to California, I heard he experienced severe depression and went through lengthy periods of drug therapy. Wood supervised Viator for six weeks and reported back to Jones that he had trouble getting Viator to give him his best effort. A little known fact is that Arthur Jones went through the same training program in Colorado as Casey, with one exception: He did no lower-body exercise. - 6 day rest - Day 2. Mike himself trained three times a week with 30-minute workouts . During one of these squat meetings, Ray accomplished a remarkable achievement by performing two reps of a 900-pound squat. The three techniques Heavy Duty prescribed most were forced reps, negative reps, and rest-pause. Casey trained himself (with a few others sometimes helping) for 6 of the 10 months. But it wasnt until Jones started experimenting and writing about negative work in 1972, that any bodybuilder took it seriously. Calf Raise Breakdown (two drops) But Ken often strength trained with the team and was significantly stronger than the top players. 1-2 Sets of 6-8 Reps. Close Grip or Neutral Grip Pulldown. Ellington Darden: I cover some similar topics, such as intensity, form, and progression. Do Your Hormones Affect Weight Gain and Loss. Rest 2 minutes Dip Tricep Extensions- 1 x 10 reps, Wednesday He always trained alone, after finishing his day job. Thats why I had Hudlows resting metabolic rate checked before and after the 14 days. HIT, of course, is the system of high-intensity training developed by Arthur Jones and codified and popularized by Darden, who was director of research for Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries, the company Jones founded, for more than 20 years. Net Worth, Partner, Biography, The Untold Story of Ice-Ts 44-Year-Old Daughter Letesha Marrow. Hutchins lifts, he said, always motivated the players to get stronger, but none ever exceeded Kens poundages. Ray Mentzer had a different viewpoint. Mentzer preached high-intensity exercise once a week or once every five to seven days and stressed that 20-30 minutes were ideal for achieving maximum muscle stimulation. Divide the movement into thirds. Ellington Darden: I certainly think timed static contractions have value. When an intermediate or advanced bodybuilder finds himself on a plateau, he is wise to consider cutting back on workout volume, while reasserting his commitment to a high intensity of effort. The only possible mechanism I can see working against isometrics is if the load is needed to shock the muscles into contracting more strongly than is possible voluntarily, even where the isometric trainer is very experienced and determined. I could feel myself actually growing during and after the workout.. That sounds like a long workout but marathon training sessions where common practice amongst the Golden Era Bodybuilders. And strength training was a lot safer than the most popular aerobic activities, such as jogging and aerobic dancing, which were the latest crazes.

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ray mentzer workout routine

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ray mentzer workout routine

ray mentzer workout routine
