delta sigma theta alumnae rush 2021 collin county
Visiting Deltas wishing to attend a chapter meeting should, All images and information are property of Chester (PA) Alumnae Chapter. Contact Us. ladies became the "Core Team" that would set forth, plans, goals, and Take time this week to create your financial vision board! JOY IN OUR SISTERHOOD, POWER IN OUR VOICE, SERVICE IN OUR HEARTS. Vendors Wanted - Black & Minority Business Expo - 03/09/2022 Read More. The. Visiting Sorors are required to bring proof of membership and picture identification. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Baltimore County Alumnae Chapter (BCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. BCAC was chartered by 31 ambitious, dedicated, and educated women known as the "Pioneering 31" in 1984 with a common love of service and need to contribute to the community. 1 (888) 373-7888 #EndFGM #stopgenderbasedviolence em #wdcacdst #dst1913, Deltas are never shy to go RED! Help support NSDCACs scholarships and service projects by purchasing this yummy popcorn. Burlington Alumnae Chapter Be the Beat by wearing red, sharing at least one healthy habit youre prioritizing it could be around sleep, stress, physical activity, nutrition or whatever works best for you and encourage others to do the same. This holiday commemorates the signing of a resolution to outlaw slavery which would later become the 13th Amendment on February 1, 1865. Greetings and welcome to the virtual home of the Marietta-Roswell Alumnae Chapter (MRAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Chartered February 22, 1986, MRAC is a service organization with stellar programming addressing diverse needs of the communities we serve. During this biennium, the chapters theme is: One Sisterhood: Continuing the LegacyStriving for Excellence. . Regional Director) and to each local chapter in the DFW Metroplex to The organization is a sisterhood of predominantly Black, college educated women. We have room for each of you! June 24, 2007 at the Benton Pointe Clubhouse in Allen, TX approximately October 15, 2021 North San Diego County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority . #DecadesofDST #DST110 #DST1913. tentative next meeting dates agreed upon.From the charter's Sisterhood month allows us as Delta women to reflect internally, seek greater understanding of one another, love unconditionally, enjoy laughter and live life fully. Welcome to our website! Saturday, March 4, 2023 - 10:00 AM 301 N Jackson St. Media, PA 19063 Visiting Deltas Visiting Deltas wishing to attend a chapter meeting should contact the Vice President a minimum of 2 weeks before the meeting date. The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to Alpha Chapter at Butler University. Join us as we wear red and help raise awareness of womens No. Since its founding more than 300,000 women have joined the organization. Metropolitan Dallas Alumnae Chapter. the guidance of Soror Gwendolyn Grant (Regional Director) and Soror From this, the "Effort to Charter in Collin Social distancing will be observed, when possible., We are so very eager and excited to represent and serve the Blazing organize community service activities then they began to explore the Copyright @ 2020 Burlington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc - All Rights Reserved. is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. Save Baltimore County Alumnae Chapter-DST, Inc. Welcome to the official webpage for the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Youth Conference. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated's Public Service Criteria In Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, public service is that which provides solace, support and/or care for the needy. More than ten thousand members typically attend Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated's biennial national conventions, and each of the seven regional conferences (held during years when there is no national convention) typically hosts thousands of members. Visit our National website at:, Visit the Southern Regions website at:, 2021 2022 Southern Region Alumnae Chapter of the Year. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. congratulates the successful, smart, and sassy women of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. on a CENTURY of service! A Sisterhood Breakfast is served beginning at 9 am; the meeting begins promptly at 10 am. All rights reserved. Welcome to the official webpage for the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Read More Events Calendar by Inffuse close Keep up with Fort Worth Alumnae! #HumanTraffickingHotline #ENDGBV #wdcacdst #dst1913 #blackhistorymonth #nationalfreedomday, Lace up and meet us on February 4th at the MLK Memorial to kick off Black History Month! Talented 10th. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority's aim is to enhance the quality of the . By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. invites you to participate in a virtual health event on March 20,2021., Click link for tickets: Delta Day at the Races, NSDCAC is proud to congratulate Sorors Satia Austin, President of NSDC NAACP; Dr. Becky Petitt, Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at UCSD; and Dr. Gale Cole-Avent, Associate Vice President of Student Life at CSUSM for being recognized by the San Diego Business Journal as 2022 Top 50 Black Leaders of Influence. 1 talking about this. the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club in McKinney, Texas under the This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter. Eleven decades later, we honor their legacy as we move forward with fortitude in the pursuit of sisterhood, scholarship, service and social action. Welcome Sorors and friends of the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Our chapter is home to more than 360 members, who are actively engaged and love community service. Read more. Trafficking can impact adults and children of all genders, sexual identities, races, and ethnicities-- but Black women are among the most vulnerable. Please feel free to peruse our website for more information about our organization. viability of chartering a chapter in Collin County. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. 2008-2022 - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Collin County Alumnae Chapter - All Rights Reserved, Visit Delta Sigma Theta's national website at, Visit the Southwest Region's website at The local chapter you're interested in joining will host a meeting called Rush Activity. Welcome to the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Dallas Alumnae Chapter website! direction of the Southwest Regional Director, Soror Gwendolyn Grant, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded on January 13, 1913 by 22 collegiate women at Howard University to promote academic excellence and provide assistance to those in need. We are a sisterhood of predominantly Black, college educated women serving our local community through public service initiatives. In 1956, during the 24th National Convention (Detroit, Michigan), all alumnae chapters names changed, and Alpha Zeta Sigma became the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Chapter Monthly Business Meeting The Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter meets on the second Saturday of each month, September through June. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Chapter Business Meeting (open to duly initiated sorors only), Garrick-Ramseur Memorial Scholarship submission deadline. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. During this meeting, Sorors Jefferson, Turner, Union County Alumnae RUSH. Jewel of the Mountain Magazine 25th Anniversary Digital Journal Please bring your photo ID when you attend. . Welcome to the captivating and committed Concord Alumnae Chapter! In commemoration of our 65th Charter Day, we will host, Delta through the Decades: 65th Anniversary Gala. On behalf of the Officers and Members of the Collin County Alumnae Chapter (CCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., it is my esteemed pleasure as the 5th President to welcome you to our virtual home. Serving the area for over the past 40 years, OCAC-CA has provided over a quarter of a million dollars in scholarships and countless service hours to the community. 90 active and inactive Sorors came together to confirm their interest The Collin County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., involved in the chartering process. in the great states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas and the Central Jersey Alumnae Chapter. Thirty Shades of DSTinction - 05/19/2021 Read More. in Rock Hill and the surrounding York County communities. A subsequent meeting was Transformative in service. chapters were sent and a meeting of the local National Wear Red Day is the icon day of American Heart Month. OCAC-CA of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, serves Orange County, California, the 3rd largest county in the United States. PO Box 694. Box 1930 Boothwyn, PA 19061 | In 1956, during the 24th National Convention (Detroit, Michigan), all alumnae chapters names changed, and Alpha Zeta Sigma became the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter. Affectionately known as the Jewel of the Mountain, our award-winning, extra-large chapter of more than 800 members has been a pillar in the local community since 1997, serving Stone Mountain, Lithonia, Centerville, Loganville, Snellville, Rockdale County, and Lilburn (shared with Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter). This event is free and open to the public. and began the journey towards chartering a chapter of Delta Sigma Theta 2008-2022 - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Collin County Alumnae Chapter - All Rights Reserved, Visit Delta Sigma Theta's national website at, Visit the Southwest Region's website at 1st Vice President, Soror Cynthia M. A. Butler McIntyre. Celebrating 25 Years of Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service, and Social Action! It is with esteemed honor that I serve as President of the Decatur Alumnae Chapter, chartered on October 5, 1973. sisterhood drives the women of RHA to support, encourage and be the example of love in our community as we promote excellence without exception. Welcome to the South Jersey Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. President's Welcome. The sorority currently has 1,000 collegiate and alumnae chapters located in the United States, Canada, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica and the Republic of Korea. We are RHA For Our Sisterhood. Join members of the Marietta-Roswell chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. While we celebrate the achievements and advancements the 13th Amendment has afforded us, we must remember and bring awareness to Human trafficking, a modern form of slavery that quietly threatens our freedoms. 13 weeks ago Upcoming events See all Sat, Mar 18 at 11:30 AM CDT Taboo Tea event1013 All interested women must pre . Welcome to the official website for the award-winning Decatur Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Email: CLICK: Since its founding more than 200,000 women have joined the organization. Visiting members must present their membership card and valid identification upon arrival. A Sisterhood Breakfast is served beginning at 9 am; the meeting begins promptly at 10 am. Welcome to the official home of Chester (PA) Alumnae Chapter / 1994 - 2024. The Region is the home to 138 collegiate and alumnae chapters We have a list of chapter committees and programs that need your support and participation. This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter. #ForwardWithFortitude #DST1913 #FinancialFortitude. Wed love to see what youre planning and cheer you on, tag #WDCAC when you share your vision. Affectionately known as the Jewel of the Mountain, SM-LAC has been a pillar in the local community since 1997, serving Stone Mountain, Lithonia, Centerville, Loganville, Snellville, Rockdale County, and Lilburn (shared with Gwinnett County Alumnae Chapter). Founder Jimmie Bugg Middleton received approval to charter the chapter from Past National President Vivian Osbourne Marsh. Sorority in Collin County. Contact our Technology Committee for information or comments concerning the site. is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. Happy Founders Day! We strive to create impactful programs, leveraging technology and building collaborations with civic-minded community partners to uplift Cabarrus County. National Human Trafficking Hotline We remain committed to the growth and development of our communities through dedicated public service. After hundreds of emails, phone We can help the women we know, and love reduce their risk for cardiovascular disease by building the healthy habits we know work. Welcome. SCHOLARSHIPS Dream, The Washington DC Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has provided over $200k in scholarships, Join us for our Professional Networking Program Speaker Series From the Classroom to the, Join us in raising funds for a school in Kenya dedicated to housing and uplifting, Visit Delta Sigma Thetas national website at, Visit the Eastern Regions website at, SistersWorking together,Dedicated to service,Changing lives,Advocating for theCommunities we serve, .zoom-instagram.feed-10360{font-size:14px!important;padding:1px!important;}.zoom-instagram.feed-10360 .zoom-instagram-widget__items{display:grid!important;grid-template-columns:repeat(2,1fr);}.zoom-instagram.feed-10360 .zoom-instagram-widget__items{gap:10px!important;}, More than 200 million women and girls have been victims of female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice that involves the cutting of genitalia for non-medical reasons. The organization is a sisterhood of predominantly Black, college educated women. Thank you to our dynamic sponsors for supporting our 5th Annual Gospel Brunch! Box 27414 | Raleigh, NC We entered a new biennium beginning in 2021; we are also . I am ZeNata Donaldson, and I am honored to serve as the 11th President of this wonderful chapter. County" was born!Due the efforts of these three Sorors and the as we remember the deep bond that joins us together on a foundation of love and mutual respect. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world, has a membership of more than 200,000 women in the United States and abroad dedicated to public service through our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust . communities and globally., Collin County Alumnae ChapterP.O. This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Burlington Alumnae Chapterof Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. On behalf of the Officers and Members of the Collin County Alumnae Chapter (CCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., it is my esteemed pleasure as the 5th President to welcome you to our virtual home. Chester (PA) Alumnae Chapter | P.O. Today, now known as the Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter, we celebrate, 65 years of service, scholarship, and sisterhood. #WDCACDST #DST1913 #JourneyToWellness, Financial Fortitude Friday Our vision is to be a unified sisterhood that improves the quality of life in our communities for generations to come. We would love to fellowship with you! We WILL continue the legacy of our 22 Founders and 16 Charter members who set the standards of scholarship, service, Sisterhood and Social Action. inform them of their intent to establish an "effort to charter". Chartered on May 17, 1959, the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has served as a beacon in the Northern Virginia community for more than 60 years. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. For more information, visit our national website at. Our service is driven by our Five Point Programmatic Thrusts of Economic Development , Physical and Mental Health Awareness, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement as well as Political Awareness and Involvement. leadership and a thirst to empower we work untiringly to exceed This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Washington DC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Repairing, Reclaiming, Retaining and Restoring. During the month of March, we will celebrate National Womens month, and we will pause, reflect, renew, and rekindle our commitment to Delta and our sisters. These SM-LAC develops and implements signature community-based programs that confront the challenges of citizens within our service area and that are consistent with the Sororitys Five-Point Programmatic Thrust. Community Service. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Business Attire is required. A tentative date was set to host a "chartering additional Sorors joined the planning. As a vivacious chapter of college-educated, public-service minded women, we have been serving Georgetown County, South Carolina since 1968. Quick Contact. The Concord Alumnae Chapter is motivated and driven to build on our trailblazing foundation throughout the2022-2024 biennium, with our theme "Intentional Action: Inspired by our Past, Designed for Our Future". Kimberly Davis, Cherise Brown, Deidre Marshall and Angela Oates. On March 1, 1958, the Epsilon Rho Sigma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered in Rock Hill, SC. calls, and meetings, a "Collin County Chartering Effort" was established Initially, they met in March 2007 to Click link for complete article SDBJ Top 50 Black Leaders of Influence. #WDCACDST #DST1913 #WearRedDay @goredforwomen @american_heart, National Freedom Day! We are committed to providing services, promoting events and initiatives that encourage and advocate for education, health, wellness, social and political action and involvement, financial stability and understand the plight of those less fortunate here and abroad. This website is the sole property and responsibility of the North San Diego County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, North San Diego County Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, North San Diego County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, WERE BACKSixth Annual Delta Day at the Races, SDBJ 2022 Top 50 Black Leaders of Influence. Human trafficking is the use of power and control to force, defraud, or coerce someone into engaging in labor (including sex work), services or sexual activity. The Concord Alumnae Chapter is motivated and driven to build on our trailblazing foundation throughout the2022-2024 biennium, with our theme Intentional Action: Inspired by our Past, Designed for Our Future. Woods, Sonya Turner, Karen Jefferson, Andrea Dennis, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of college educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service with a primary focus on the Black community. Box 26904Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904Email: Welcome to the official website of the Georgetown Alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. We hope that as you visit our website you will find it pleasurable and informative. SCHOLARSHIPS Dream By WDCAC Admin Account / November 21, 2022 Information Scholarship Scholarship Applications | Mar 1 Our vision is to be a unified sisterhood that improves the quality of lifein our communities for generations to come. Orange County (CA) Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. P.O. Southwest Regional Representative Soror Brittany Bass and then National The major programs of the Sorority are based upon the organizations Five-Point Programmatic Thrust: For more information, visit our national website at The topic is Alzheimer's Disease. Pamela Rogers (Scholarship and Standards), letters to each of the DFW Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered onMarch 30, 2008 at 2 DAYS LEFT! Greetings and welcome to the official "Online Home" of the Birmingham Alumnae Chapter (BAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Birmingham Alumnae Chapter is home to over 400+ dynamic and dedicated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aligned with the corporate vision of our National President, Elsie Cooke-Holmes, we are committed to advancing social change, amplifying our global impact, and strengthening our sisterhood.. Founder Jimmie Bugg Middleton received approval to charter the chapter from Past National President Vivian Osbourne Marsh. We are Delta Women with Joy in our Sisterhood, Power in our Voice and Service in our Hearts, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was founded on January 13, 1913 by 22 young women studying at . The Zeta Delta Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. was founded on March 30, 1974 on the campus of Delaware State College. We applaud their leadership, accomplishments, and contributions to our local community. is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INCORPORATED SEEKS WOMEN WHO DEMONSTRATE ACTIVE PUBLIC SERVICE INVOLVEMENT AS OPPOSED TO SELF-SERVING INVOLVEMENT. All chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. host a meeting, commonly known as a Rush Activity, where interested women receive information about the sorority and how to become a member. Sonya Turner, and Karen Jefferson. The committee works to ensure members remain engaged, involved, and excited about being an active member of our great sisterhood! An agenda for the interest meeting was defined and To learn more visit On Health Equity for African Americans League, March of Dimes-Join our DELTA SIGMA THETAOrange County (CA) Alumnae Team, Orange County (CA) Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.P.O. We offer innovative and engaging programs for all ages while displaying unity and support to the greater community. Whether its paying off debt, buying a new home, or finally taking that dream vacation, creating a vision board can help you bridge the mental gap between your finances and your aspirations. 2022 - 2024. Join RHA as we celebrate Sisterhood month and. May you continue to have a phenomenal centennial celebration. If you are a member of Delta Sigma Theta and seek to renew your membership, please seize the moment and rekindle your dedication to Delta with our chapter. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was founded on January 13, 1913 by 22 young women studying at . For our chapter to reach the goals set in the chapter strategic plan we need you! This The Membership Services Committee is responsible for the reclamation and retention of our members. Visit the South Atlantic Regions website at . Thank you to our dynamic sponsors for supporting our 5th Annual Gospel Brunch! This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Orange County (CA) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Deltas and OC NCNW - Womens Voting Rights. This team included Sorors Angela Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Rich in sisterhood. The members of the Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are charged with providing services that are relevant, reliable, viable and visible in our community. Register Hereto attend Time (Saturday) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Organizer Delta Sigma Theta, Inc - Marietta-Roswell Alumnae Chapter CalendarGoogleCal Career Fair 18feb10:00 am2:00 pmCareer Fair Event Details and communicated to Sorors throughout the Collin County community. You must attend this meeting in order to join DST. These three visionaries were Sorors Angela Woods, Saturday, January 29, 2022 . Visit Delta Sigma Theta's national website at . PWCAC-DST March Madness Day Party 2023. Box 592 Concord, North Carolina 28026. We also encourage you to stop by regularly for updates about our community programs, scholarship opportunities and fundraising activities. sparked a project plan to develop a comprehensive list of tasks required expectations and impact positive change on our campuses, in our Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. One Delta Place 2525 MLK Jr. Blvd Dallas, TX 75215. SM-LAC provides a wide range of programs and services, with the bulk of our major programs being realized through the Sororitys Five-Point Programmatic Thrust: economic development, educational development, international awareness and involvement, physical and mental health, and political awareness and involvement. We invite you to visit one of our chapter meetings or a community event real soon. I am honored and humbled to serve as the 46th President of this illustrious chapter. was initiated by three Sorors with a passion for Sisterhood and Chartered March 30, 2008, CCAC has a rich legacy of dedicated service in the Collin County community. Excelling At Delta Sigma Theta's Standards 1 Attend Rush Activity. Meetings are ONLY open to duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. FGM is a human rights violation that affects millions of girls annually. Sign-up to receive the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter supporter email. The meeting will give information about the sorority, its goals, and membership requirements. The award-winning Decatur Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Rich in sisterhood and picture identification honored. Quality of the, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs local... 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