nigeria resistance to colonial rule
I will be dealing almost exclusively with the areas of East and Central Africa - Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe - where a more or less coherent debate can be seen. But the history of Nigerian demands for greater representation go back to the 1920s. [13], The Colonial Office accepted Lugard's proposal that the Governor would not be required to stay in-country full-time; consequently, as Governor, Lugard spent four months out of the year in London. They were the most politically conscious segment of the population and created the vanguard of the nationalist movement. In practice, Lugard used the annual sessions to inform the traditional rulers of British policy, leaving them with no functions at the council's meetings except to listen and to assent. By the eighteenth century, evidence of Christianity had disappeared. In 1794, the African Association in Great Britain commissioned Mungo Park, an intrepid Scottish physician and naturalist, to search for the headwaters of the Niger and follow the river downstream. In 1907, the corporation received a loan of 25,000, repayable upon discovery of oil. One continues to wonder how a national history could be attained Today, Lagos remains Nigeria's financial capital and, as home to an estimated eight million people, ranks . After independence, tensions that had been building between two . Kingdoms and empires of precolonial Nigeria, Controversies surrounding the 2007 presidential election, Nigeria under Umaru Musa YarAdua and Goodluck Jonathan, The 2015 elections and electorate concerns, Recession, fight against corruption, and insecurity, Which Country Is Larger By Population? Ajay. Anietie A. Inyang & Manasseh Edidem Bassey, "Imperial Treaties and the Origins of British Colonial Rule in Southern Nigeria, 18601890". In large measure, European missionaries assumed the value of colonial rule in terms of promoting education, health and welfare measures, thereby effectively reinforcing colonial policy. By 1938 the NYM was agitating for dominion status within the British Commonwealth of Nations so that Nigeria would have the same status as Canada and Australia. In Nigeria, the British colonial administration found perhaps the longest-lasting resistance movement. The legitimate trade in commodities attracted a number of British merchants to the Niger River, as well as some men who had been formerly engaged in the slave trade but who now changed their line of wares. After initially adopting an indirect rule approach, in 1906 the British merged the small Lagos Colony and the Southern Nigeria Protectorate into a new Colony of Southern Nigeria, and in 1914 that was combined with the Northern Nigeria Protectorate to form the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. Significantly, the regional governments controlled public expenditures derived from revenues raised within each region. Although he reported on the eastward flow of the Niger, he was forced to turn back when his equipment was lost to Muslim Arab slave traders. British staffs in each region continued to operate according to procedures developed before unification. Although there was strong resistance from natives against the British, it was all crushed by the British. Nigeria: A Country Study. [25][n 1], The missionaries gained in power throughout the 1800s. In an economy with many qualified applicants for every post, great resentment was generated by any favouritism that authorities showed to members of their own ethnic group. Harding, director of Nigerian affairs at the Colonial Office, defined the official position of the British Government in support of indirect rule when he said that "direct government by impartial and honest men of alien race [] never yet satisfied a nation long and [] under such a form of government, as wealth and education increase, so do political discontent and sedition". 1960-1966: Early diplomatic relations. The European struggle to establish forts and trading posts on the West African coast from about the mid-1600s to the mid-1700s was part of the wider competition for trade and empire in the Atlantic. Among the problems needing attention before the British would grant full independence was the minorities fear of discrimination by a future government based on majority ethnic groups. They later discovered that the demand for . Nigeria is a country in West Africa and was colonized by the British. History of Islam in Nigeria. Although colonial rule appeared secure in the first two decades of the 20th century, the British struggled to keep control of their Nigerian colony and continued to do so until Nigeria became independent in 1960. Rebellions Against Colonial Rule Before the Second World War. It backed Yoruba irredentism in the Fulani-ruled emirate of Ilorin in the Northern Region, and separatist movements among non-Igbo in the Eastern Region. In the south the British occasionally created a political hierarchy where there had been none before; in most cases they ruled through those who were most malleable, whether these people had held traditional positions of authority or not. Consequently, in 1849, John Beecroft was accredited as consul for the bights of Benin and Biafra, a jurisdiction stretching from Dahomey to Cameroon. The British captured Kano in 1903. These courts contained majorities British members and represented a new level of presumptive British sovereignty in the Bight of Biafra. Olatunji Ojo, "The Organization of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Yorubaland, ca.1777 to ca.1856", Bouda Etemad, "Economic relations between Europe and Black Africa, Giles D. Short, "Blood and Treasure: The reduction of Lagos, 1851", "Northern Nigeria: The Illo Canceller and Borgu Mail" by Ray Harris in. The said National African Company (Limited) bind themselves to protect the said King and Chiefs from the attacks of any neighbouring tribes (Ibid.). The British entry into World War I saw the confiscation of Nigerian palm oil firms operated by expatriates from the Central Powers. The Emirs and chiefs who are appointed will rule over the people as of old-time and take such taxes as are approved by the High Commissioner, but they will obey the laws of the Governor and will act in accordance with the advice of the Resident. Nigeria's first nationalist movements appeared in the 1920s, and resistance to colonial rule grew over the next three decades. In 1957, the Western and the Eastern regions became formally self-governing under the parliamentary system. With this victory, the British went on to conquer the rest of Yorubaland, which had also been weakened by sixteen years of civil war. The Royal Niger Company had its own armed forces. (This was also reflective of growing pan-Africanism among American activists of the time.) In 1960, the country attained independence from British rule. The rapid growth of organised labour in the 1940s also brought new political forces into play. In the twentieth century, Lagos became a center for resistance to colonial rule. African resistance to colonial rule began with A) The arrival of the Europeans on the continent in the late 19th century B) The end of World War II C) . Combining the three jurisdictions would reduce administrative expenses and facilitate deployment of resources and money between the areas. In practice, British administrative procedures under indirect rule entailed constant interaction between colonial authorities and local rulersthe system was modified to fit the needs of each region. Agents also collected intelligence for the colonial officials; they gathered information on public opinion and the military resources of the local polities; they also spied on rival colonial forces in foreign territories. The Royal Navy bombarded Lagos in November 1851, ousted the pro-slavery Oba Kosoko and established a treaty with the newly installed Oba Akintoye, who was expectedly more amenable to British interests. African Resistance to Colonial Rule (Talten, Africana Age) LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE [67], The Colonial Office, where Lugard was still held in high regard, accepted that changes might be due in the south, but it forbade fundamental alteration of procedures in the north. Initially, most palm oil (and later kernels) came from Igboland, where palm trees formed a canopy over the densely inhabited areas of the Ngwa, Nri Kingdom, Awka and other Igbo peoples. Britain outlawed slavery in 1807 and pushed for forms of "legitimate commerce" such as palm oil and cotton, and in so doing developed an internal infrastructure to facilitate these markets. tax. By the end of World War I, most of Africa had been effectively colonized. The traders suffered from the risks of their position and believed they were at the mercy of the coastal rulers, whom they considered unpredictable. Segments of the Yoruba community had their own animosities and new rivalries arose. [76], The British treasury initially supported the landlocked Northern Nigeria Protectorate with grants, totalling 250,000 or more each year. NEPU formed a parliamentary alliance with the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC). Despite his somewhat successful efforts to enlist non-Yoruba support, the regionalist sentiment that had stimulated the party initially continued. Beecroft was the British representative to Fernando Po, where the African Slave Trade Patrol of the Royal Navy was stationed. took careful account of Islam and avoided any appearance of a challenge to traditional values that might incite resistance to British rule. what were negative effects of colonial rule in african continent. The conference drafted the terms of a new constitution. In the 1870s, therefore, George Taubman Goldie began amalgamating companies into the United African Company, soon renamed the National African Company. By a British Act of Parliament, Nigeria became independent on 1 October 1960. Frederick Lugard, who was appointed as High Commissioner of the Northern Nigeria Protectorate in 1900 and served until 1906 in his first term, often has been regarded by the British as their model colonial administrator. Most internal problems were concealed, and open opposition to the domination of the Muslim aristocracy was not tolerated. The most striking departure was in the Northern Region, where special provisions brought the regional constitution into consonance with Islamic law and custom. The goal of activists initially was not self-determination, but increased participation on a regional level in the governmental process. [11] In 1891, the African Banking Corporation founded the Bank of British West Africa in Lagos.[33]. There were numerous differences of detail among the regional systems, but all adhered to parliamentary forms and were equally autonomous in relation to the Nigerian federal government at Lagos. Trained as an army officer, he had served in India, Egypt and East Africa, where he expelled Arab slave traders from Nyasaland and established British presence in Uganda. The British High Commissioners could depose emirs and other officials if necessary. [82], Oil exploration began in 1906 under John Simon Bergheim's Nigeria Bitumen Corporation, to which the Colonial Office granted exclusive rights. Direct taxation on men was introduced in 1928 without major incidents. He was contemptuous of the educated and Westernised African elite found more in the South, and he recommended transferring the capital from Lagos, the cosmopolitan city where the influence of these people was most pronounced, to Kaduna in the north. Author. [73] In direct reaction to the epidemic, colonial authorities allowed African doctors and medical personnel to work with influenza patients due to the severity of the situation. Osoba and Fajana pointed . They never were able to elect sizeable legislative delegations, but they served as a means of public expression for minority concerns. [57], From 1895 to 1900, a railway was constructed running from Lagos to Ibadan; it opened in March 1901. Asante Resistance (Ghana) 6. After 1940, political activities were broadened to include more people. British and French traders did a large share of this business until 1807 when they were replaced by the Portuguese and the Spaniards. An extensive immigrant population of southerners, especially Igbo, already were living in the north; they dominated clerical positions and were active in many trades. [21], Whether British conquest of Nigeria resulted from a benevolent motive to end slavery or more instrumental motives of wealth and power, remains a topic of dispute between African and European historians. Economic links among the regions increased, but indirect rule tended to discourage political interchange. As a protectorate, it did not have the status of a colony, so its officials were appointed by the Foreign Office and not by the Colonial Office. In the ensuing decade, resistance to colonial rule continued, but Africans altered their tactics and women featured prominently in anticolonial resistance when cultural changes tended to disadvantage women. Pre-colonial southern Nigeria was an _____ societey. Webster, Boahen and Idowu are of the opinion that the conquest of Africa was very simple and that it was carried out with ease. The High Commissioner will be guided by all the usual laws of succession and the wishes of the people and chief but will set them aside if he desires for good cause to do so. Laird's efforts were stimulated by the detailed reports of a pioneer German explorer, Heinrich Barth, who travelled through much of Borno and the Sokoto Caliphate, where he recorded information about the region's geography, economy and inhabitants. Earlier elements related to this were its founding of the Sierra Leone Colony in 1787 as a refuge for freed slaves, the independent missionary movement intended to bring Christianity to the Edo Kingdom, and programs of exploration sponsored by learned societies and scientific groups, such as the London-based African Association. A third type of organisation that was more pointedly political was the youth or student group, which became the vehicle of intellectuals and professionals. The French had abolished slavery following the French Revolution, although it briefly re-established it in its Caribbean colonies under Napoleon. In: The Journal of African History: (1990 . Although churchmen in Britain had been influential in the drive to abolish the slave trade, significant missionary activity for Africa did not develop until the 1840s. A chief of Bonny in 1860 explained that he refused a British treaty due to the tendency to "induce the Chiefs to sign a treaty whose meaning they did not understand, and then seize upon the country".[14]. The militias and RWAFF battalions were reorganized into the RWAFF Nigeria Regiment.[62]. 19, no. It is not a federal state with federal Executive, Legislature and finances, like the Leewards. It is not a unitary state with local government areas but with one Central Executive and one Legislature. It continued to enjoy special privileges and maintained a de facto monopoly over commerce. Britain annexed Lagos in 1861 and established the Oil River Protectorate in 1884. British influence in the region began with the prohibition of slave trade to British subjects in 1807. Resistance to colonial rule was mitigated to the extent that local authorities and courts were able to manage affairs. Subsequent revisions contained in the Lyttleton Constitution, enacted in 1954, firmly established the federal principle and paved the way for independence. 57-100 discuss issues of resistance and collaboration. [54] Olivier was a member of the Fabian Society and a friend of George Bernard Shaw. The influx of cowrie led to inflation. The Southern Protectorate financed itself from the outset, with revenue increasing from 361,815 to 1,933,235 over the same period. [27] To produce all this oil, the economy of the southern region crossed over from mostly subsistence to the production of palm oil as a cash crop.[28]. In elections that year, the NYM ended the domination of the NNDP in the Legislative Council and worked to establish a national network of affiliates. [72] In line with this attitude, he rejected Lugard's proposal for moving the capital from Lagos, the stronghold of the elite in whom he placed so much confidence for the future. Deadly battles broke out sporadically through 1906. However, development of the Nigerian oilfields slowed when Bergheim died in a car crash in September 1912. Afeadie, "The Hidden Hand of Overrule" (1996), p. 1719. The pulpits of the independent congregations became avenues for the free expression of critics of colonial rule. Although his own ambitions were limited to the Northern Region, Bello backed the NPC's successful efforts to mobilize the north's large voting strength so as to win control of the national government. Some of the treaties contained prohibitions on diplomacy conducted without British permission, or other promises to abide by British rule. Elliot J. Berg, "The Development of a Labour Force in Sub-Saharan Africa"; France sold Louisiana to the United States, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Military history of Nigeria during World War II, National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons, discovery and exploitation of petroleum deposits, "The Nigeria (Constitution) Order in Council, 1954", "Gombe-Abba: Historic emirs' town ruined by the British", A Very Bloody Transaction: Old Calabar and the Massacre of 1767, The Impact of the Slave Trade on African Economies, "Managing Epidemic: The British Approach to 19181919 Influenza in Lagos", "The Nigerian Victory Against The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and 1897 Smallpox Epidemic", "African Pentecostalism and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: The Supernatural Amid the Fearful and Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic", "The influenza pandemic of 191819 and the spread of cassava cultivation on the lower Niger: a study in historical linkages", Google Cultural Institute: Birth of the Nigerian Colony, 18511914, In pursuance of the above general principles the chief civil officers of the provinces are to be called Residents which implies one who carries on diplomatic relations rather than Commissioners or Administrators. The political parties jockeyed for positions of power in anticipation of the independence of Nigeria. Azikiwe had less interest in purely Nigerian goals than did Davies, a student of Harold Laski at the London School of Economics, whose political orientation was considered left-wing. However, decolonization also brought regionalization and a hardening of ethnic identities. These changes included taking land from African people and giving it to the growing number of Europeans in the colonies. They selected an increasingly high proportion of African clergy for the missions. Instead, the companies had to be content with a monopoly of the export trade in these products. With one man in practical control of the Executive and Legislative organs of all the parts, the machine may work passably for sufficient time to enable the transition period to be left behind, by which time the answer to the problemUnitary v. Federal Statewill probably have become clear. The NPC platform emphasized the integrity of the north, its traditions, religion and social order. A new constitution was created in 1922 under British colonial rule, largely due to Nigerian calls for reform. He argued that the division into two separate colonies was advisable unless a stronger central government could bind Nigeria into more than just an administrative convenience for the three regions. 2, p. 211-221. . . British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston detested slavery, and in 1851 he took advantage of divisions in native politics, the presence of Christian missionaries, and the maneuvers of British consul John Beecroft to encourage the overthrow of the regime. We bind ourselves not to have any intercourse with any strangers or foreigners except through the said national African Company (Limited), and we give the said National African Company (Limited) full power to exclude all other strangers and foreigners from their territory at their discretion. 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