susan hayes texas ag commissioner
Don't know. U.S. President | On the issues, Hays is wanting to close gaps in rural hospitals and healthcare, rural economic development, food insecurity, agricultural practices, and legalizing cannabis in the state. Its the governments job to make sure the products are safe for human consumption., For more on Susan Hays, visit her website:, Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, Chamber holds ribbon cutting for Mow Pros. Newly released documents reveal details about the man Mesquite police said intentionally set an apartment complex on fire that killed an innocent man. Meanwhile, another 4 million Texans struggle with hunger and food scarcity because of inflation. "One new judge wont necessarily make much difference. The state's agriculture commissioner oversees a vast portfolio including farming and ranching, rural health care and the scales you use at grocery store checkout. . However, hemp in Texas hasnt lived up to expectations. CBD Delivery ATX Serves Customers in Austin and Beyond. Be seen and be heard with Russell , Hey, yall had great coverage of the event, any way yall can email me photo one of your lady photographers, Hello Stacey, I really enjoyed your article about Shayda and Sydney Torabi at Re-Start CBD.
} The writing is on the wall. AUSTIN, Texas Since announcing his run for agriculture commissioner, Republican James White hasn't been shy about criticizing the current commissioner, Sid Miller. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribunes journalism. Whether its Miller or Hays in office next year, the agriculture commissioner has several issues coming to a head. Hays is also a fan of implementing carbon capture which is a way for landowners and farmers to get paid for planting things that put carbon back into the earth. The primary was scheduled for March 1, 2022, and a primary runoff was scheduled for May 24, 2022. Yeah, he did. padding-bottom: 8px; The daughter of a Methodist minister, Weddington was born in 1945 in Abilene, Texas. Candidate Information. So, when the farm's products arrive in city grocery stores, the ag commissioner's oversight helps consumers like chef Mike Thompson, who owns a private catering business and cooks for some of Austin . He said rural hospitals are in good shape since federal and state funds were distributed to facilities around Texas during the pandemic. Susan was named the first cannabis Super Lawyer in the state of Texas, and continues to be a top attorney in the state of Texas on the topic. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { if (window.jQuery) { $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { The Sunset Commission said were the best state agency theyve ever reviewed, so I think that says a lot about what weve done and what type of people we have with the TDA, Miller said. It's always a fun time looking up address or cities and seeing them from a satellite point of view. Federal courts | .inner_percentage.Libertarian { confirm with your county elections office, Texas Secretary of State's helpline at 1-800-252-VOTE (8683), who has acknowledged humans have contributed to climate change. As we looked at them, we thought to ourselves, "how fun would this be to actually have to GUESS what these places are?". Along with changing geographical issues that have been arising from recurring droughts in Texas, Hays has seen the need for farmers and ranchers to diversify what they grow or raise. } .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { For Miller, it was De Leon, a town of less than 3,000 people. } Covid funding slowed that down, but now the funding is going down. Miller was definitely a slight notch up from the first three. Hays wants to be an Ag Commissioner whom the Texas legislature trusts. None of them are credible.. Answer: Pro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions. Hays believes that there has been a lack of ethical practices in the TDA which is part of the reason why she is running for Ag Commissioner. .votebox-results-metadata { "If Gorsuchs nomination is approved, will abortion be illegal the next day? color: black; So financially, theyre pretty sound, Miller said. Texas has also had two dozen rural hospitals close in the last several years. When you cannot get the funding and the budgeting to do your job, the punishment of Sid Miller ultimately hurts agriculture, and anybody who eats, because the agency has been carved down out of a lack of trust and to punish him.. Hays has been involved in many other highly prolific cases in the state such as issues with voting in the state and womens healthcare. Both found success, Hays as a lawyer fighting for human rights and Miller as a national award-winning rodeo cowboy. But some of Millers political actions have caught the publics attention, and not in a good way. Incumbent Sid Miller defeated Susan Hays in the general election for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture on November 8, 2022. a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } letter-spacing: .03em; width: 250px; Check if youre registered to vote, Not always. One of the reasons Hays is running for Texas Ag Commissioner is because she is not in favor of the current Commissioner, Sid Miller. Hays helped write the bill that legalized hemp in Texas. $('#candidate-connection-email-105181').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); Podcast Episode 12: Taste of Texas Hemp Cup and Heather Fazio, Cannabis Labs/Food Labs Conference June 2 5, 2020, Texas Supreme Court Bans Manufacture of Smokeable Hemp, Representing Cannabis: Failed Insights from a Supposedly Pro-Cannabis U.S. House of Representatives Candidate, Oklahoma Becomes Marijuana Legalization Battleground Between Advocates, With Legal Challenges And A New Ballot Initiative. Additionally, you can, County election offices are supposed to post on. KRT US NEWS STORY SLUGGED: ABORTION-MARCH KRT PHOTOGRAPH BY NIKKI KAHN/KRT (April 25) WASHINGTON, DC - Sarah Weddington, an attorney best known for winning the landmark Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, speaks to thousands of protesters in Washing. I'll try to make that correction, I recommend the Texas hemp reporter ? No," Weddington told The Guardian. } She wants it to have people that are there to work. Youll need one of seven types of valid photo ID to vote in Texas: A state drivers license, a Texas election identification certificate, a Texas personal identification card, a Texas license to carry a handgun, a U.S. military ID card with a personal photo, a U.S. citizenship certificate with a personal photo or a U.S. passport. Candidate Information. It is critical that statewide policy makers increase their efforts to educate Texansacross party lineson the interdependence between the urban and rural parts of the state.
Candidate. Susan Hays is running for Texas Agricultural Commissioner in the Democrat primary with her ultimate goal of taking on the incumbent, Commissioner Sid Miller, over what she called a "dysfunctional . Thank you, Burt Bacharach #RIPBurtBacharach #DougandJulie #MarlenaandDon #MickeyandMaggie. Both my brothersattended Texas Tech and I understand the ground. I would love to see more of an investment financially, as well as with time and resources. She is board certified in campaign and legislative law in addition to court and civil law. Shes a fifth-generation Texan. I'm always down for a good brain challenge. At times I will join forces with other law firms to work on massive litigation. .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { On sustainable agriculture, Hays wants to promote good land management practices and the eradication of invasive plants like mesquite and cedar. And encourage ranchers not to let overgrazing happen. Their visions of government, and its responsibilities, are worlds apart. The law makes abortion illegal after cardiac activity is detected in an embryo -- normally around six weeks, before some women even know they are pregnant. Sid Miller, the plain-spoken and often controversial face of Texas farming and ranching, sailed to an outright victory in the Republican primary for state agriculture commissioner Tuesday night with nearly all of the votes tallied. Youll want to check for open polling locations with your local elections office before you head out to vote. "With Linda Coffee she filed the first case of her legal career, Roe v. Wade, fresh out of law school," Hayes added. padding-bottom: 5px; .widget-row.Republican { } $('.hideResponses').show(); This November, voters will decide contests for a number of statewide offices, from governor to attorney general. } Running for: Texas Agriculture Commissioner. She also wants Texas to expand Medicaid, saying its asinine that the state leaves federal tax dollars on the floor by not. Susan Hays, a Democratic candidate for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture, has shown leadership on hemp cultivation and would offer much-needed accountability to the agency. } Susans family has been ranching in the West Texas areas since shortly after the Civil War in the US. The problem with the black market is you do not know what pesticides or dangerous things are in it, said Hays. He was drawn to the Republican Party because he saw it as the party of freedom. margin-top: 1px; It also oversees the states department of rural health, which helps rural hospitals with financial aid and technical assistance. } padding-left: 10px; Texas Hemp Show seeking On Air home in local Radio market. } font-weight: 200; So I went to hearings, got to know some of the staff, and it was just a hot mess. His Democrat opponent is Susan Hayes. } .top_disclaimer { This office is there to lead and show examples. And when we say legalize, that doesnt necessarily mean hippies running wild in the streets, which I think is what a lot of haters might visualize. President Trump nominated two more justices to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Not always. [Miller] doesnt seem engaged in the job, or to actually do the job. Ag Commissioner results | Incumbent Sid Miller and Susan Hays secure nominations. Texas Democrats have two strong choices in the primary race for agriculture commissioner: Susan Hays, a West Texas attorney who has . . } function defer() { if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Im running for Agriculture Commissioner because corruption is bad for business. Susan talks about her background as a Texan, as a farmer and rancher, her property in Alpine, Texas, issues she sees in Texas, the smokable hemp ban case, and more. --progress-bar: #f0a236; Give corruption the boot by voting by November 8th! A Sunset Advisory Commission, which reviews all of the state of Texas agencies, gave a good review for the Texas Department of Agriculture, but noted that they exempted reviewing the commissioner himself, something Hays says doesnt happen. display: inline-block; I was thinking when you were talking about drafting the hemp law Miller embraced it, as I recall now. jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { Thats the Democrat campaign strategy, just to throw something out there, get people like you to report on it, whether its true or not, and get the headlines, Miller said. color: #888; The Ag Commissioner can help rural economic development in several ways. The winner of this election will lead the state agriculture department that juggles several tasks. Attorney and Democrat . If youre an hour away from getting emergency care, youre more likely to die or be permanently disabled.. } } This transcript has been edited lightly for clarity: Texas Standard: Youre a Democrat running in a largely conservative state. And its not as easy to grow it and grow it well as people might think. 2.1.1 Campaign finance; . And if you look at polling data, medical [marijuana] is almost perfectly bipartisan and its high support. It provides financial assistance to farmers and ranchers, offers infrastructure grants in rural communities to attract development, markets Texas products and oversees measuring devices in grocery stores. padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: .75em; He points to the work the department did with distilleries during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide sanitizer and other resources. Miller said agriculture has always been the glue that holds Texas together. .widget-row.Libertarian { However, the Republican incumbent has a cash-on-hand advantage, with $168,777 in the bank. While the analysis of my campaign has just begun, the most worrisome . Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. By Sean SaldanaSeptember 22, 202212:53 pmGovernment & Politics, Texas Standard Original, Susan Hays is a Democrat running to be Texas commissioner of agriculture. A modernized state agency that serves all Texans. Weddington's reported death comes while the Supreme Court is considering a case with the potential to reverse the landmark abortion case. width: 100%; Instead, it means having a healthy regulatory regime that makes sure the products consumers can access are safe and accurately labeled. font-style: italic; Susan Hays, running for Texas Agriculture Commissioner, introduces herself before introducing Beto O'Rourke, running for Texas Governor, 07/20/2022 at the Martin Luther King Community Center in . Incumbent Sid Miller defeated James White and Carey Counsil in the Republican primary for Texas Commissioner of Agriculture on March 1, 2022. Susan Hays (D) 3,458,814 44% *Incumbent. }) By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Id like to see more of that happening and to try and bridge this gap of urban and rural health care disparities.. RELATED: Supreme Courts conservative majority suggesting changes to limit US abortion rights. Hays, 53, is a headstrong Democrat and an equal rights lawyer who has fought for women, pregnant minors and Texas voters. Most recently, Hays has found herself practicing law in the cannabis industry she helped write and pass the Texas hemp legalization bill in 2019 and was named Texas first cannabis super lawyer by Thomson Reuters. Texas leads the country in rural hospital closures. @media (max-width:600px) { background-color: grey; height: 22px; Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, a two-term Republican, is facing his toughest reelection cycle yet as . defer(); tusa-race-stage-summary, tusa-person-summary, tusa-filing-dates { And thats money weve already paid in our federal tax dollars, said Hays. One is a former rodeo cowboy caught in controversy. (function() { } She directly against the corruption surrounding the selling hemp licenses for absurd prices ($25,000 vs. the expected $100). Governor, Attorney General and the other statewide offices down-ballot, perhaps the most impactful votes will be coming from rural Texas. Susan Hays. } But . color: #6db24f; color:white; Adrian Billings is a family medicine physician with Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, where he focuses on reviving rural health care. She spoke with the Texas Standard about why she, a progressive, has decided to challenge a conservative incumbent in a deep red state. Read more of this story on FOX News. The regime should promote public health and safety while creating economic opportunity for as many Texans as possible. .widget-row.Democratic { And out there, theres three counties that share one hospital with 25 beds and only three ventilators. For Hayes, it was Brownwood, a town with one high school. While I may not be the change Texas chose last night, we sure need it. How is this playing out in socially conservative Texas? Its not there to force people to do something but show the better models, said Hays. vertical-align: middle; } So away we went. Susan Hays did pretty well compared to the other Dems in that straight up two-way race: Ag Commissioner. overflow-x: auto; Susan Hays is a [] } .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { On rural hospitals, Hays said most rural hospitals do not have the capacity needed to take care of several counties, and when you need a trauma care hospital, you need to go to a bigger city, which for some could be several hours away. display: inline-block; } Her generation being the ones that left the area for the cities to get higher education and better paying wages. .votebox-scroll-container {
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