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why bongbong marcos is a great leader

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why bongbong marcos is a great leader

In 2016, polling agencies (notably Social Weather Station, or SWS) correctly predicted that Robredo would win. Read this in The Manila Times digital edition. There's more to it. Now, the loot of the Marcoses has been legitimised through repetition of the so-called Tallano Gold myth. Yet, even if Marcos Jr does succeed Duterte, no gold will be passed around. Philippines: Dr Karl Peralta, 46, is a respected Filipino surgeon. By providing an email address. When the opposition finally went to the grassroots and had a dialogue with Marcos supporters, it was inspiring, monumental, and important. They think Marcos did well as a senator, has enough political experience, they mention his housing bills, his tenure as a congressman. The political is personal in the Philippines and vice versa; no felt connection to that time period, coupled with the lack of learning about martial law in school curriculum, created a chasm waiting to be filled with the loudest perspectives.. Read More: Bongbong Marcos Takes Huge Lead in Philippine Election, Hes a person with a heart, says Reian Azcune, a 20-year-old voter in Rizal province. Filipino columnist Benjamin Pimentel could only describe this bewildering plot twist in the language of high fantasy: Its as if Kylo Ren emerged and the Empire is back in power., Read More: How TikTok Helped Marcos Rewrite His Familys Brutal Legacy. Hes not an outsider taking over.. subscription, Philippine court orders arrest of ex-first lady Imelda Marcos for graft, Marcos wealth spread all over Europe - lawyer, Philippines: 523% increase in internet speed, Philippines: 5,000% surge in digital payments in the time of COVID-19, Clark Airport: Rising travel hub 85km north of Manila, Sinking Philippine tanker sparks diesel spill, Marcos urges military to focus on South China Sea, Unpaid taxes? Thats probably why Bongbong Marcos wants Filipinos to forget about what happened to us during his fathers reign. PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte on Friday called presidential aspirant Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. as "spoiled" and a "weak leader" as he spurned a coalition with the Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (Lakas-CMD) headed by his daughter Davao City Mayor Sara . You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. If they are too hostile, then they might find themselves villainized and restricted, as in other illiberal democracies. Privacy Policy. But it shows simple, diligent messaging works. You have reached your limit of 4 free articles. The good reason why Marcos started Martial Law is because he is protecting the country against communism. The numbers show the jump from the previous polls is not significant. They have long maintained their innocence. The rest? The ultimate goal: catapult Marcos' namesake and only son Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr, also known as "BBM", to crush his rivals in the May ballot, and succeed President Rodrigo Duterte. Register to read and get full access to, By clicking below to sign up, you're agreeing to our I HAVE differences with former senator Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. on fundamental policy issues. I see Marcos as merely continuing most of the policies of the Duterte administration, and I would have wanted him to define more his differences from a regime I have learned to dislike over the . But the countrys weak legal system means those able pay the best lawyers can get away with high crimes. Magazines, How TikTok Helped Marcos Rewrite His Familys Brutal Legacy, How the Son of a Dictator Became So Popular in the Philippines, The Philippines Problem With Dynastic Politics, Capture a Year of Painand Resiliencein Ukraine, Or create a free account to access more articles, The World Should Be Worried About a Dictators Son's Apparent Win in the Philippines. But then, once back in school, my schoolmates and I had to learn these new weird songs about the new order and how everything was great about the regime and about Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. Poe has, thus far, not endorsed a presidential candidate. Whether true or not, this emotional appeal resonates well with most voters, and has reinforced voter sympathy for him. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. looks set to win the Philippines presidential election, marking the return of the Marcos family to power more than three decades after being forced to flee the . How does disinformation work in flesh and blood? The repression lasted for nine years. It was taken down alongside a pro-China fake account network with origins in China. He has withheld the truth about the Marcos plunder before and during martial rule, which he has misrepresented as a golden era. He knows from multiple accounts that these illicit funds are diversions made from foreign economic aid, US military assistance, and from public and private sources. Not enough about gratitude to the late dictator and his allies. His pledge of better roads, more accessible internet, lower utility and food costs, and a desire to unite the Philippines seemed to sway voters, Villaraza said. Your subscription could not be saved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital And thats what makes the 2022 elections different. Political scientists cite 8reasons why BBM enjoys an unprecedented +50% of voter preference, and why the struggling opposition should care to listen and tweak their campaign: The Tallano gold is part of a bigger narrative to distort history, and burnish the image of Marcoses, through trolls-for-hire armies sustaining a venomous anti-oligarch, and historical distortion campaign. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital While running for office, he relished in his stories as a self-proclaimed war hero, although U.S. government files would later discredit the narrative that he led a guerrilla force against the Japanese. For a while, the Marcoses were cancelled public pariahs. He got the highest percentage in the characteristics that. Why is it important to subscribe? He has teamed up with the daughter of outgoing populist President Rodrigo Duterte, Sara Duterte, who is running for vice-president. Three years later, Aquinos widow, Corazon Aquino, challenged Marcos for president in an election marred by fraud. Bongbong has successfully portrayed himself as the candidate for change, promising happiness and unity to a country weary of years of political polarisation and pandemic hardship, and hungry for. But first, they must acknowledge their failure to listen. Thats worth something. It was also too little too late, coming after too many decades of blaming or patronizing the bobotante (the dumb voter) and the masa (masses). Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., the son of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, speaks during a rally as he campaigns for the presidency on Feb. 19, 2022 in Caloocan, Metro Manila, Philippines. They make a formidable team, and are headed for a landslide victory in the May 9 polls. But from 1972 to 1981, Marcos also controlled the Philippines through martial law, which he declared was necessary in order to combat perceived threats to the country from communists and Muslim separatists. Add languages. Independent media outlets were also shut down. Filipinos long for strong leaders who can deliver. Read More: How the Son of a Dictator Became So Popular in the Philippines. They are artfully compelling stories for the young and the excluded. Fortunately, like the late tyrant, Willie Nepomuceno did not intend to die. (2) His demand for results even when he met with other heads of government. (Pro-Marcos military personnel would later be convicted in Aquinos death.). READ:Do the Marcoses have ill-gotten wealth? Marcos Jr. has secured 30 million votes in an initial count, more than double his closest rivalcurrent vice president Leni Robredo. Rather than scapegoating social media as a technological brainwasher, turning out voters who support populist strongmen, we must consider why communities resonate with, and willingly participate in, myth-making, misinformation, and historical revisionism online. In September 2020, Facebook took down a network of fake accounts which the social media giant said had ties to the military and the police, President Rodrigo Duterte and his family allies. He got the highest percentage in the characteristics that mattered to voters most then: concern for the poor (29%), honest and trustworthy (32%), and not corrupt (28%). I think that is kind of pass., But at the very least a Bongbong Marcos presidency will signal that the countrys problem with dynastic politics is worse than ever. But, certainly, he set a seemingly unbreakable record. Oh, Marcos and Imelda look so happy and proud in photographs with Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Its been done so much. I distinctly remember a classic during one of the rallies after Ninoys assassination and Marcos face often looked swollen as he reportedly battled lupus. Therefore, itd be pointless for other candidates to seek the endorsement of the incumbent president. Heis a poster boy for the most well-heeled Filipinos falling for disinformation. Graphic noted that this network began in 2016 but its Philippines cluster was found to have started in March 2018, growing through 2019 and 2020. His victory . Erik Ortiz is a senior reporter for NBC News Digital focusing on racial injustice and social inequality. Your subscription could not be saved. But even before the People Power Revolt, during the darkest days of dictatorship, Filipinos were already coming up with creative ways to defy the regime. (This is an updated version of a list six years ago, which clearly is worth revisiting. He previously served as a senator from 2010 to 2016. The Marcos myths of a strong and stable nationand of being misunderstood victims who could thus relate with anyones social and economic victimhoodwould resonate in many countries. Pundits say that if the trend lines continue, with the polling just 67 days away, another Marcos will be in Malacanang Palace, the Asian countrys seat of power. Funny how, for a people who love dance, we dont trust politicians who want to do the cha-cha. Theories on how to build a space elevator have been around for decades. PDP-Laban, the party Duterte chairs, has adopted Sara Duterte as its vice presidential candidate but has not endorsed a presidential aspirant. It's a smart choice. Myth-making and appeal to emotionsform part of power games. Take my old boss and drinking buddy, the poet Pete Lacaba, who wrote a seemingly harmless, apolitical poem titled Prometheus Unbound. When read vertically, the first letter of every line said, Marcos, Hitler, Diktador, Tuta the famous anti-dictatorship slogan, Marcos, Hitler, Dictator, Puppet.. Afghan Girls Contemplate a Future Without Schools, The 25 Defining Works of the Black Renaissance. But a major question remains whether Marcos Jr. will continue many of the policies under Duterte, who is a close ally, and potentially appease Chinese leader Xi Jinping amid the two countries territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

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why bongbong marcos is a great leader

why bongbong marcos is a great leader

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why bongbong marcos is a great leader

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why bongbong marcos is a great leader

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why bongbong marcos is a great leader

why bongbong marcos is a great leader

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