bowdoin college endowment
This fund is used in part to provide lectures or courses in the field of ornithology or by the Department of Biology.Contact: Department of Biology, 207-725-3582. Philip Chapman, Jr. Class of 1930 ScholarshipHarold and Inez Charles Scholarship FundJustus Charles FundCurtis E. Chase Memorial FundHenry T. Cheever ScholarshipChemical Bank Scholarship FundGerald and Kate Chertavian Scholarship FundThe Christopher Chess Scholarship FundChi Delta Phi/Zeta Psi FundThe Chi Psi FundHugh J. Chisholm Scholarship FundChittim, Hammond, Holmes Scholarship FundRichard L. and Mary E. Chittim ScholarshipClaff Scholarship FundClark Family ScholarshipThe Samuel Clark Jr. Bowdoin College 5.88K subscribers Listen to a conversation with two of the driving forces behind Bowdoin's endowment strategy and success - Paula Volent, Bowdoin's chief investment. Morgan Lamarche Scholarship FundAmanda Rowe Lamb '04 Scholarship FundThe Joseph Lambert FundJohn V. Lane ScholarshipLouis Langman ScholarshipJane Dean Lanphear Memorial Scholarship FundDonald Cole Larrabee Scholarship FundThe Laurence Putnam Larsen Memorial ScholarshipThe Timothy M. Laurion 1981 and Mary Laurion Scholarship FundDavid G. Lavender ScholarshipLawrence FoundationLawrence ScholarshipBernard A. Menlo Park, California, United States . The Business Operations Associate - Investments, will report to the Endowment Chief Operating Officer and play an integral role in all areas of back-office operations as well as collaboration in the . An endowment is the total value of a school's investments . News & world report annual college rankings for 2022, franklin . Bates College received 5,316 while Bowdoin College received 7,251 . Gross Fund for Kent Island, Professor Burton Rubin Russian Studies Fund, Professor Walter M. Solmitz Memorial Fund, Rachel S. Lord Religious and Spiritual Life Fund, Ramona M. Pugsley Comrie Scholarship Fund, Randall M. Ebner '77 and Ricki Ebner Scholarship Fund, Ray L. and Elizabeth S. Fite Memorial Scholarship, Ray W. and Rachel T. Pettengill Library Book Fund, Raymond W. and Alice B. Forgit Scholarship Fund, Reginald P. and Kathleen F. McManus Scholarship, Richard and Eleanor Morrell Scholarship Fund, Richard Charles Robarts '55 Family Scholarship Fund, Richard D. Foulkes, Jr. Memorial Scholarship, Richard E. and Martha F. Burns Endowment Fund, Richard E. and Nancy H. Bye Scholarship Fund, Richard G. D'Auteuil '82 and Kimberly A. Labbe '82 Internship Fund, Richard H. Morse Family Scholarship Fund, Richard H. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund, Richard H. Morse Family Baseball Head Coach Fund, Richard J. and Betty Smith Scholarship Fund, Richard L. and Mary E. Chittim Scholarship, Richard S. and Marion D. Henry Scholarship, Richard T. Caulfeild Goodman Financial Assistance Fund, Richard W. Moll Memorial Scholarship Fund, Richard White Foundation Fund of Bowdoin College, Robert and Blythe Edwards Fund for the Arts, Robert B. Patterson, Jr. '68 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert C. and Judith Toll Arctic Museum Fund, Robert C. Porter Bowdoin-Penn Charter Scholarship Fund, Robert E. and Clara C. Maynard Scholarship Fund, Robert Freedman '87 P'17 and Anne Cirillo P'17 Student Fellowship Fund, Robert H. Glinick '44 Family Fund for Coastal Studies, Robert H. Glover Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert L. and Nancy K. Morrell Family Scholarship Fund, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for Special Collections and Archives, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for the Visual Arts, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Museum of Art Acquisitions Fund, Robert L. M. and Nell G. Ahern Scholarship Fund, Robert N. Thurston Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert R. and Hazel F. Neilson Endowment Fund, Robert R. Dearing Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert S. Goodfriend '57 Scholarship Fund, Robert W. and Madeline Cornelli Endowment Fund, Roger Howell, Jr. English History Book Fund, Roger Saillant and Mary Lourdes Pinckney Scholarship Fund, Roland G. and Iva M. Ware Scholarship Fund, Roliston G. Woodbury Memorial Scholarship, Rosalyne and Sumner Bernstein Scholarship Fund, Rusack Professorship in Environmental Studies and Earth and Oceanographic Science, Russell S. Douglas and Janet R. Douglas Family Scholarship Fund, Ruth B. and Albert E. Nagel Memorial Scholarship Fund, Ruth Sanderson Kingsbury Scholarship Fund, Samuel Appleton and Estelle Hamilton Ladd Scholarship Fund, Samuel H. and Sarah Allen Perkins Scholarship Fund, Samuel J. and Evelyn L. Wood Scholarship Fund, Samuel S. Butcher Professorship in the Natural Sciences, Sanford B. and Elizabeth N. Cousins Scholarship, Sanford L. Fogg & Dorothy V. Fogg Scholarship Fund, Saralea K. and Bartley H. Emerson Scholarship, Science Center Maintenance Endowment Fund, Sciolla, Stonestreet and Uhrig Family Scholarship Fund, Segerdahl Family Fund for Academic Resources, Shari Michelson Wilson Memorial Scholarship, Sherman David Spector of the Class of 1950 Award in History, Sherman N. Shumway Fund for the Infirmary, Sidney J. Watson Head Coach for Ice Hockey Fund, Sidney Watson Fitness Center Maintenance Fund, Sidney Wish and Bertha Wish Sipkin Scholarship Fund, Sinnott Family Fund for Academic Resources, Society of Bowdoin Women Foundation Scholarship, Staley Family Fund for Digital & Computational Studies, Staley Family Fund for Faculty Development and Professional Engagement, Stanley F. and Valrosa V. Dole Scholarship Fund, Stanley F. Druckenmiller Professor of Asian Culture, Stephen and Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak Scholarship Fund, Stephen H. and Joanne R. Burns Student Research Fund, Steve '70 and Paula Mae Schwartz Scholarship Fund, Steven and Judith Siegel Family Scholarship Fund, Steven H. Hughes '79, P'15, P'16 and Katherine T. Hughes '84, P'15, P'16 Family Scholarship Fund, Steven P. Marrow '83 and Dianne Pappas Fund for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Stuart '53 and Doree Cooper Scholarship Fund, Susan and Jeffrey Goldenberg Career Planning Fund, Sylvio C. (Zeke) and Pauline Hayes Martin Scholarship Fund, Sze Family Endowment Fund for Faculty Development, T. Penny Martin Scholarship Fund Established by the Ryan Family, The Foundation for Maryland's Future Scholarship Fund, The Albert D. and Madelyn Dyer Conley Scholarship Fund, The Andrew W. Mellon Curricular Development Fund, The Anne Bartlett Lewis Memorial Prize: Art History and Visual Arts, The Bowdoin Martin Luther King, Jr. This fund is used to support a lecture in the field of political science. Bowdoin College Scholarship Funds Bowdoin College Endowed Funds He earned his law degree at the Duke University School of Law in 1998 and his MBA in 2003 at Dartmouth Colleges Tuck School of Business. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where he earned his undergraduate degree magna cum laude in classical archaeology, and where he was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa. This fund supports guest lecturers at the College who will bring a diversity of viewpoints, fresh perspectives, and novel approaches to the curriculum and the College community.Contact: Office of the President, 207-725-3221. Scholarship Fund, Henry Kirke White and Jane Donnell White Fund, Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Marine Biology Scholar Fund, Henry L. Conway, Jr. '51 Scholarship Fund, Henry T. A. Moniz 86 and Francesca de Soto Moniz 22 Scholarship Fund, Henry W. and Anna E. Hale Scholarship Fund, Henry W. Longfellow Graduate Scholarship Fund, Henry Zietlow '22 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Herbert S. and Eugenie R. Sawyer Scholarship Fund, Herter Family Scholarship Fund for Enhanced Diversity, Hewlett -And- Mellon Presidential Discretionary Fund, Hilda Brown Ziegler and Benjamin Munn Ziegler Scholarship, Hodding Carter/Class of 1927 Memorial Scholarship, Homer R., Philip R. and George Allen Blodgett Book Fund, Howard C. Griffin Fund, of the Class of 1904, Howard Rollin Ives Memorial Scholarship Fund, Hubert S. (Bill) '36 and Eleanor F. Shaw Scholarship Fund, Hughes Family Art History Acquisition Fund, Hughes Family Summer Research Fellowship in Environmental Studies, Huntington-Wheelwright Field Station Endowment, Ira B. and Patricia F. Pitcher Scholarship Fund, Iris W. Davis Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund, Irma Cheatham Research Fellowship in Africana Studies Fund, Irving I. Zamcheck Memorial Scholarship Fund, J. Scott Kelnberger Memorial Scholarship Fund, James Bowdoin III Museum of Art Directorship Fund, James D. and Marianne E. Cook Scholarship Fund, James F. Claverie Memorial Scholarship Fund, James L. and Harriet I. Doherty Scholarship, James M. Moulton and John L. Howland Fund, James Phinney Baxter Fund in Memory of Henry Johnson, James R. and Helen Lee Billingsley Professorship of Marine Biology, James R. and Virginia E. Stuart Scholarship Fund, James R. Pierce Athletic Leadership Award, James Stacy Coles Chair of Natural Sciences, James Stacy Coles Undergraduate Research Fellowship Fund, James W. MacAllen and Patricia A. MacAllen Scholarship Fund, Jane A. and John H. Nichols, Jr. This fund is used to support lectures by visiting scholars on topics deemed to be on the cutting edge of or associated with new developments or research findings in the fields of astronomy or geology. Endowed Funds | Bowdoin College Office of Development and Alumni Relations (207) 725-3388 Staff Directory Endowed Funds Generous donors have established over 1,800 funds at Bowdoin, which provide ongoing support for students and many other of the College's programs and needs. Endowment Opportunities. It is both humbling and exciting to follow in Paulas footsteps, and to be working with our incredible team to carry on her legacy of excellence., Bowdoin Announces New Chairs to Honor Distinguished Black Graduates. As senior vice president and chief investment officer, Bryant will be a member of Bowdoins senior leadership team, reporting to the president. Bowdoin College is pleased to announce that in-person events will be back this fall and the College looks forward to welcoming alumni, families, and friends for some of our most popular events and activities. The endowment, of which approximately 45% is restricted to the support of student financial aid, generated an investment return of 16.0% for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2013. Scholarship FundHerbert S. and Eugenie R. Sawyer Scholarship FundBid Sayo Scholarship FundFrank J. Scalera Scholarship FundKenneth M. and Beatrice A. Schubert Scholarship FundSciolla, Stonestreet, and Uhrig Family Scholarship FundSteve '70 and Paula Mae Schwartz Scholarship FundPeter '64 and Elizabeth Seaver Family Scholarship FundSerwer Family Scholarship FundStephen Sewall ScholarshipWilliam B. Sewall ScholarshipSgroi Family Scholarship FundThe Charles Burnham Shackford Scholarship FundThomas F. and Helen G. Shannon Scholarship FundAaron J. Shatkin Science Scholarship FundCharles Wells Shaw ScholarshipHubert S. (Bill) 36 and Eleanor F. Shaw Scholarship FundRaymond H. Shaw Scholarship FundArthur Sheedy and Alexander Currie ScholarshipThomas J. Sheehy Jr. ScholarshipShepley ScholarshipSherman Family Scholarship FundShorey Family ScholarshipJoseph H. Shortell Jr. Memorial ScholarshipShumway ScholarshipBenjamin R. Shute Memorial ScholarshipWayne Sibley ScholarshipSteven and Judith Siegel Family Scholarship FundMichael and Irene Siket ScholarshipSimon Family ScholarshipMary Anne and Sanford R. Sistare Scholarship FundAlan F. Small Scholarship FundThe David and Robin Small Family Scholarship FundPeter Metcalf Small Scholarship FundWilfred T. and Muriel G. Small ScholarshipEdward E. Smiley Scholarship FundSmith Family ScholarshipDavid Saul and Frieda Mikels Smith Memorial ScholarshipEdward S. C. Smith Scholarship FundFreeman H. and Anne E. Smith ScholarshipsHarry DeForest Smith and Adela Wood Smith Scholarship FundHenry Oliver Smith Memorial ScholarshipDr. This fund is used to support annual lectures in Judaic studies or contemporary Jewish affairs.Contact:Spindel Lecture co-chairs,Jennifer TabackandJill Pearlman. And while a relatively modest endowment may contribute to Harvey Mudd's steep sticker price (tuition, room, and board for 2022-2023 tallies up to $82,395), the financial aid packages are generous . This fund is used to sponsor at least one lecture annually in the field of gay and lesbian studies. This fund supports speakers and lecturers in the Department of Economics and research activities of a Bowdoin student majoring in economics as designated by the department chair. This fund supports the Sydney B. Karofsky Award for Junior Faculty and the Karofsky Faculty Encore Lectures. Museum of Art, The Robert F. Kingsbury '34 Scholarship Fund, The Robert H. Pfeiffer 67 Pfeif Fund to Give Students in the Sciences Equal Access to a Full Bowdoin Experience, The Ruth Carter Fobes and Theodore Burgess Fobes Scholarship, The Sabra and Richard B. Ladd '62 Government Internship Fund, The Seward Garcelon and Samuel Merritt Fund, The Shelly Chessie Miller Scholarship Fund, The Solon and Kate Papacosma Memorial Fund, The Solon and Kate Papacosma Memorial Scholarship Fund, The Solon E. and Lida Skolfield Turner Fund, The Stanley F. Druckenmiller Professor of Environmental Studies, The Stanley F. Druckenmiller Scholarship Fund, The Stones-Pickard Special Editions Book Fund, The Sue Winchell Burnett Prize in Music Fund, The Surdna Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship Fund, The Susan U. and Jeffrey B. Goldenberg '77 Internship Fund, The Susan U. and Jeffrey B. Goldenberg '77 Programming Fund, The Thomas Andrew McKinley Family Scholarship and Entrepreneur Grant Fund, The Timothy M. Laurion 1981 & Mary Laurion Scholarship Fund, The Travis Garthwaite Buchanan Scholarship Fund, The William J. Reardon Memorial Football Trophy, Theodore E. Adams-Sri Lanka Endowment Fund, Theodore Gullicksen Memorial Music Instruction Equipment Fund, Theodore Samuel Danzig '22 Memorial Fellowship Fund, Thomas and Roberta Skaling Kent Island Fund, Thomas B. Reed Professorship of History & Political Science, Thomas Curtis Van Cleve Memorial Book Fund, Thomas F. and Helen G. Shannon Scholarship Fund, Thomas F. Shannon Professorship in Environmental Studies, Thomas J. Milligan IV '68 and Marjory H. Milligan Scholarship, Thomas R. and Louise M. Winchell Memorial Scholarship, Thomas Simpson French MD Memorial Scholarship Fund, Timothy Hayes and Linn Spencer Hayes Scholarship Fund, Timothy Gutmann Memorial Scholarship Fund, Tracy R. Wolstencroft Sabbatical Leave Fund, Vincent B. and Barbara G. Welch Scholarship, Viola Ward Brinning and Elbert Calhoun Brinning Professorship, Virginia C. and Hallett P. Foster Scholarship, Virginia N. and Gilbert M. Elliott, Jr. The college did not specify whether the returns for the most recent fiscal year were gross or net of fees. Bowdoin College's Endowment. Of the total endowment distribution in 20202021, approximately $35 million supported financial aid, accounting for about 81 percent of the Colleges $43.3 million financial aid budget in the current fiscal year, with about half of Bowdoins student body receiving need-based aida percentage that continues to grow. This fund is used to support lectures by visiting scholars on topics deemed to be on the cutting edge of or associated with new developments or research findings in the fields of astronomy or geology. Scholarship, Vivian B. Allen Foundation Scholarship Fund, W.S. Contributions count toward class goals and are reported in the annual Report of Gifts. Bowdoins endowment is as old as the College, having been established in 1794 with a $1,000 gift from James Bowdoin III. For the three, five. Bowdoin College is a private, nonprofit school in a small town setting in Brunswick, Maine. This fund is used to support lectures, courses, or research in the field of mathematics.Contact: Department of Mathematics,207-725-3567. This week, the College released its annual endowment report for the 2020-21 fiscal year that ended on June 30, reporting a return of 57.4 percent. Bowdoin's endowment is comprised of over 1,700 individual funds and is diversified among asset classes such as domestic and international equities, fixed income, private equity, venture capital, real estate, and absolute return strategies. Contact: Department of Biology, 207-725-3582. Bowdoin Moving to $17 Minimum Wage for Hourly Workers. Please direct any questions to the Office of Annual Giving or (207) 725-3437. Watch these students describe the power and impact of their experiences in their own words. Bowdoin College Office of Communications Jan 2018 - May 2018 5 months. Field '65 and Maureen Bell Field Fund for Mathematics, The David Berdan Wenigmann Wrestling Trophy, The Deane Scholarship in English Literature, The Debi and Joe Marrow Visitation Support Fund, The Derek and Ingrid Spence Scholarship Fund, The Donald and Harriet S. Macomber Prize in Biology, The Dr. and Mrs. James-Chan and Mr. and Mrs. The purpose of the lectureship is to make attractive the highest ideals of character and conduct, and also, insofar as possible, foster an appreciation of the beautiful as revealed through nature, poetry, music, and the fine arts.Contact:Lectures and Concerts Committee. On June 30, 2020, the endowment was valued at $1.8 billion and provided $71.8 million to the annual operations of the College. New Bowdoin Podcast to Tackle Issues of Democracy. Endowment and Special Projects | Bowdoin College Staff Directory Endowment and Special Projects Endowed funds play a critically important role in the College's operations, providing approximately thirty-nine percent of the annual budget revenue and nearly three-quarters of the financial aid budget. The Bowdoin College endowment, of which nearly half is permanently restricted by donors to the support of student financial aid, generated an investment return of 5.9 percent for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2020. Scholarship FundClass of 1872 ScholarshipClass of 1881 ScholarshipClass of 92 Scholarship Fund (1892)The Class of 1896 Memorial Scholarship FundClass of 1903 ScholarshipClass of 1916 FundClass of 1918 Memorial Scholarship FundClass of 1919 Scholarship FundClass of 1920 Scholarship FundClass of 1926 FundClass of 1929 Memorial Scholarship FundClass of 1930 Scholarship FundClass of 1931 Memorial Scholarship FundClass of 1932 Scholarship FundClass of 1933 Memorial FundClass of 1936 Scholarship FundClass of 1937 ScholarshipClass of 1939 ScholarshipClass of 1940 Memorial FundClass of 1942 Memorial ScholarshipClass of 1944 FundClass of 1947 ScholarshipClass of 1948 Memorial ScholarshipClass of 1949 ScholarshipClass of 1950 ScholarshipClass of 1951 ScholarshipClass of 1952 ScholarshipClass of 1953 ScholarshipClass of 1954 ScholarshipClass of 1955 Scholarship FundClass of 1956 ScholarshipClass of 1957 Scholarship FundClass of 1958 ScholarshipClass of 1959 ScholarshipClass of 1960 Scholarship FundClass of 1961 ScholarshipClass of 1963 Scholarship FundClass of 1964 Scholarship FundClass of 1965 Senior Center Scholarship FundClass of 1966 Memorial Scholarship FundClass of 1967 Scholarship FundClass of 1968 Scholarship FundClass of 1969 Scholarship in Memory of Deceased ClassmatesClass of 1970 Scholarship FundClass of 1971 Scholarship FundClass of 1972 Scholarship FundClass of 1973 Scholarship Fund Class of 1980 Scholarship FundClass of 2019 Lisa Yankura Bouffard FundJames F. Claverie Memorial Scholarship FundMary Cleaves Scholarship FundThe Ann Malloy Clifford Scholarship FundClifford Family Scholarship FundNathan Clifford Scholarship FundCline Family Scholarship FundCoffin Family Scholarship FundJim and Helen Coffin Scholarship FundPhilip O. and Alice Meyer Coffin Scholarship FundThe Alfred E. Cohan Scholarship FundDavid M. Cohen '64 and Janis B. Cohen Scholarship FundNorman P. and Linda R. Cohen Scholarship FundClarence L. and David L. Cole Scholarship FundSanford Burton Comery ScholarshipCommon Good Scholarship Fund established by the Davich FamilyEstate of Ramona M. Pugsley Comrie Scholarship FundThe Albert D. and Madelyn Dyer Conley Scholarship FundConnecticut Alumni Scholarship (Bowdoin Club of Connecticut)Carleton S. Connor Memorial ScholarshipE. Stone Scholarship FundJanice Filipowicz Strauss and William T. Strauss III Memorial Scholarship FundStrawbridge Family Scholarship FundJames R. and Virginia E. Stuart Scholarship FundPaul E. and Grace H. Sullivan ScholarshipJanice M. Swales Scholarship FundMarshall and Katharine B. Swan Scholarship FundJoseph Swaye Memorial ScholarshipSweeney Family Scholarship FundJack W. Swenson Scholarship FundThe Loyola and Tage Sylvan '52 Scholarship FundWilliam Law Symonds ScholarshipHarold D. Talbot Jr. 40 Memorial Scholarship FundJane Tappan Scholarship FundThe Reverend Canon Albert Weatherbee Tarbell Scholarship FundEtta and Jack Tarmy ScholarshipTD Bank Endowed ScholarshipTewari/Moore Family Scholarship Fund Theta Delta Chi FundTheta FundLavon W. and Annie G. Thomas Scholarship FundW.
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