what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

I dont want to delve into the debate about whether psychopaths are inborn or made but I do feel that being the most sensitive,kind and emotional sign,I can see why Pisces would feel the resentments,vindictiveness,betrayal and pain on a much deeper level than others. With such a mental bond between the two, they reach new levels in their lovemaking, much more so than the ordinary couple in love. I put up with him and eventually he got better at it b/c of me threatening to leave unless he did. Their soul is always elsewhere, dreaming, but never present. And i have this feeling something is wrong. I would just notice another man and he would get upsetWhos he, you know that guy, did you date that asshole b4 me? I have met a Gemini man recently and am way MORE compatible with a Gemini than I ever was with a Pisces If she is like me then gee, I dont know if she can be trustedShe may enjoy playing the field. How to win a Pisces woman: Be stable with your emotions 5. Context is everything. You must constantly be learning about yourself and remember that everyone you meet is still learning about themselves too. Serious Aquarius woman and Im thinking about dating a Pisces man so Im glad to have read everything because it hes very nice handsome and he looks like somebody I could see in my life, I am an aquarius woman Im am with amazing pieces man but only thing is I messed up by hurting him we fought so much and he cheapt pointing finger at me I feel unworth what Ive done I cheated drunk I try asking him to forgive me bkuz we have a bong wer e we can feel each others bad feeling Im just just to afraid 2 lose him I understand ppl will hate for this but Im willing to take on comes my way, well as pieces man, thats was a terrible mistake, we forgive but not from inside, so he will but is just period of time to start losing what he feels for you. Aquarius Man And Pisces Woman Compatibility; A Pisces woman has a hard time attracting men, but it becomes difficult for them to leave her once she does. Pisces is a water sign that is mutable and Aquarius is an air sign that is fixed by nature. If they enter into a commitment, it will be stable and long-lasting. Dont forget because you get busy and wrapped up in the newest fun and cool thing! Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. I met a gemini man and wow we are so compatible. YOU dear also NEED help badly. No casual sex thanks. However, they are both dreamers and tend to think outside of the box. All this makes is easy to be hurt while also not offering the other person enough space. I want/expect to be his priority. Aquarius is very gentle and she gives up on her romantic ideas in life. I give my all when I am deeply in love.I dont do casual sex.And thats the reason why love making experience is extremely intense with the man I love,as I am not afraid of his sweat,tears and other fluids.Aquarius women are very kinky as well.We know the art of seduction and can be very persuasive so we can convince our men to try things in bedroom he thought he could never enjoy,lol. I spent 34 yrs. Pisces man will take a little longer because hes a dreamer and holds out hope. She allows him to do his thing and she gives him positive feedback. Therefore tread lightly with her so you dont lose her. They will not fight with each other per se, but there will be many opportunities for miscommunication. She supports him and makes sure to be on his side in all walks of life. Ill be blunt, and some of the answers may stem from my own personal deep-seated issues and psychological problems, because at the end of the day people do have varying upbringings and disorders. Hope this helps! You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. However as they age they actually do mellow out in a lot of ways I have noticed. Not too much that it seems fake, just let her know in genuine moments. Not long at all. Im an Aquarius woman and I was with a Pisces male for almost 2 years. Since we broke up, he has lost and is losing everything he got when he was with me. That is why I have been doing so much reading on our compatibility! Mysterious in your behaviour but yet letting a little bit of your true persona slip will let her know you do care and that you arent predictable cause Aquarius hate routine. I personally hate cheating on any level and when in a relationship only dedicate myself to that person and hold them to the same standard. This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. The article is true, I feel connected to him in every way during sex, mind body and soul. The pisces man should be more optimistic and adventurous, while the aquarius woman should be more open emotionally and patient if you want it to work. I want to love someone to the death. Whether we are together just for now or 20 years from now. I know that, as an Aquarius woman, Im not easy to handle. Do you have real concrete plans to see each other? And when theyre bad, theyre temporary and get resolved. 16) it cool with me. Im an Aquarius woman and Ive been in love with my Pisces husband since we were 8 years old. They are better suited as friends or coworkers than as romantic partners. I will always be his friend, he is a fun person to hang out with but not in a relationship. Pisces Man Aquarius Woman Compatibility Degree. With time and deepening of their understanding and emotions, there comes harmony and a wonderful smooth flow to their relationship. I hate this Pisces man I dont know why I stay with him. Great lovers they are not and never were! Pisces are takers, and require everyone to support them, but they are always too drained to give support to others. But more seriously: Loyalty, honesty, communication (this cant be stressed enough) and various other traits that arent morally skewed. Now I am looking for a good companion, best friend, soulmate, partner and lover and at my age thats not easy to find. A Pisces man wants an epic romance like the ones he has seen in movies. She would learn my truth my love within the mystical envelopes.. (PS Gabby knows my But its highly improbable that these two will ever be tempted to walk down the aisle together in the first place because they are just too different. Both star signs are capable of plucking information seemingly out of nowhere, and navigate their lives through either unfathomable insight in the case of Aquarius, or instinct, intuition and gut feeling in the case of Pisces. Over time, if nothing else, they will become accustomed to one another, which will facilitate their eventual communication. 9 Secrets To Seduce Cancer Man With Text Messages. Her detachment. If I meet a man and he doesnt give me attention (lots of it) and doesnt treat me special or make me a priority in his life after we know one another then I will get lonely for companionship. Aquarius being the 11th house and Pisces being the 12th, they have a unique position in astrology, and the two are often considered the strangest of the Zodiac signs. This limits the things they can do together and have a good time. I want to share my everything with my beloved, beautiful Senorita Gabriella. Feb. 4th and Mar 2nd He expressed kind of the same things youve expressed. She likes to do things her own way, without having to listen to orders or cooperate with anyone. We can suffer in the present to have something amazing in the future. He is also my best friend in the whole world. He is sick in his head. There is a psychic and telepathic connection with Pisces men which is hard to explain in words. The Pisces man Aquarius woman compatibility gets a THREE Hearts love rating. Either way, approach her honestly and innocently, no arguing. On a personal front, Im not one for committing first which is probably a product of insecurity caused by the fear of rejection. 5. 17. Sometimes Pisces can become parental with an Aquarius since it is only one house away. Lying and cheating. And I behaved the way I did to turn him off. Give her a little breathing room and she may come back. ***** Pisces Men please read and reply*****. Just remember if it is possible for yourself to be loyal and just want one person, it is possible for the other person as well! Ive never raised my hand to a woman but plenty inanimate objects have beared the brunt (bore?) I WISH my Pisces man would be jealous at times. Not sure exactly why you would say that, as I was married to one for 34.5 years. Have intelligent conversations with her that will interest her. Anyways like they say in Canada peace oooot!. 9. Pisces and Aquarius can find common ground in their shared philanthropy and desire to make the world a better place. I'm an Aquarius female who started dating a pisces male during the summer/fall of 2021-2022. Aquarian men prefer to focus on friendship before romance. I think pisces need someone else to take the lead this way as well. Only pisces can do this to aquarius. At least for me personally. Pisces, to me, is the sweetheart of the whole zodiac. What attracts a Pisces man is a woman who is as caring and compassionate as he is. An aquarius male is trying to get to create a Go Here aquarius and aquarius woman and so. We fit together like a glove, he is my best friend and a perfect partner. This is a problem with him not me because in the past I have been very sexually fulfilled with men that are not pisces! Our readers support us. Our community thrives when we help each other. The reason why i believe we work is because we were friends first, and fell in love later. 14. Everything else between us is very very good and having her as a partner, I have learned so much about myself and how to be less emotional. This match up could be rather chaotic or it could work out. Anyways, as much as I have experienced and read about Pisces men, I am still clueless about some things and would like to know more as they seem to suit what I am searching for in my man. You are exactly right, Oracle!As life would have it, she and I planned before we were born, that she would divorce me after our kids were grown I know this because she visited me after she passed away just 9 weeks ago. Pisces men have a thing for feet, so they can't stand a woman who doesn't take care of her feet. Hearing Love is great affirmation. Being an Aquarius young, middle age, or older (like me) is NEVER easyLive and learn. RIGHT. If you love yourself, your Pisces guy will love you, too. He is the most generous lover I have ever been with and the sex between us is breayhtakingly incredible. Aquarius woman wants a man she doesnt have to change much for. Try going here for a 100% free LOVE reading: https://youtu.be/DMsWLwr-kvI 11. Thank you One thing that could damage this relationship is the Pisces woman's tendency to create a fairy-tale expectation for the relationship. Its either yes or no. I have a lot of rage and anger towards society, so Im also not the final word on the matter. Im I n my mid 20s .We wouldnt cheat because we are too loyal..just dont question her if she says she is busy doing something. Then the scorpio asks if someone I know well were to ask for my hand in marriage, would I accept it? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A Pisces guy is also old-fashioned and likes to be the one who pays for dates. 16. In her youth, Aquarius woman likes to keep her options open and this could make her have a fling or two. Assuming the relationship just easily sparks? He was only 64 at that time. She also put her precious hand in mine. Not manipulative but dreamy with an urge to make them reality. We compliment each other well, are able to be so comfortable with each other, and I cant wait for many more years with him. Thus, it can work with a Pisces if they are mature and emotionally healthy, like all signs. I dont know your ages but it sounded like she is younger, so maybe part of hookup culture generation. Somebody who i trust, and can be understanding goes a long way. One minute he is throwing things in my direction. Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. No fucking around, in short. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac who has inherited traits from all the other 11 zodiac signs, thats why they may come off as moody and complicated.Sometimes they dont even understand themselves and an Aquarius is willing to explore and be part of your evolution,self-discovery and spiritual journey but you have to sometimes reach out instead of shutting down or swimming away.Aquarius women with heavy air sign placements in their birthchart and less understanding of a water signs emotional depth should stay away from Pisces men because you will only hurt him.They are sensitive and you can easily bruise them with your bluntness, always be mindful of the words you choose.I hope universe sends me an evolved Pisces man of my dreams because I am so sick and tired of constantly compromising and being let down by men of other zodiac signs.Thank you to all the men who replied to me.Good luck to all the Pisces men and Aquarius women! I personally hate cheating on any level and when in a relationship only dedicate myself to that person and hold them to the same standard. Suspicion might arise if youve been caught in a lie and the act follows not to long after. We only do what he wants to do. Because they are so imaginative, a Pisces guy is drawn to a woman who is as creative as he is. If you wish to attract an Aquarius woman, you'll need to be unique in your own way. Aquarius women are mysterious. He told me that despite our sex Is magic he doesnt feel the real physical desire. Let's take a look at seven specific reasons why. Required fields are marked *. We hadnt been close for twenty years, but her visit melted away all the ice cold years of pain from being apart. But quarreling is sometimes a funny thing when it occurs between two people who love each other, especially when it is Aquarius woman and Pisces man. Obviously this man isnt in touch with reality. A Pisces man adores it when a woman is confident in her appearance and likes the way she looks. 20) yes but with personal things. Though, she herself is the one who usually does the surprising, especially with her whimsical and crazy thoughts that float through her head. And Pisces should remember not to play games with Aquarius, because the Aquarius will see right through it and be offended by fakeness. Do Pisces men play hot and cold if they are disinterested or just because they are playing hard to get? I was with a libra before and while he was good for me, my pisces man is perfect for me. Patience and high tollerance. I have known him since I was a kid and have always known him to be selfless, loyal and no matter how tired, dependable. So, here are some things I am curious about a Pisces man : 1. Awesome response, thank you. When we met it was like, finally! Someone who gets me! I am aquarius and he was pisces. Personally I like to empower women and encourage them to still be themselves but appreciates balance in realationships You wont need to hide your feelings,hopes,dreams and desires from an Aquarius Sun with Cancer,Scorpio or Pisces in her Moon and Venus sign as she would understand it, fulfill it and embrace it and would never make a Pisces man feel guilty or ashamed of his emotional,romantic and sensitive side. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. But I hope it provides a bit of clarity. I can honestly tell you she and I love each other more than ever, that we are soul mates. We are in each others space all the time. If they do make it to be parents, theyll actually do quite well with showing the children a nice balance of life. I myself am an Aquarian woman and have met a pieces male. Just rhyming words that he thought up, pitifuland stupid seriously. Im so close to giving up on my Pisces man. Are Pisces men ok with experiments in the bedroom and period sex? On the other hand he spend his whole life searching for me. The Aquarius man and the Pisces woman belong to neighboring zodiac signs, which offers them a good karmic link on which to build their relationship. HONEY I was married to a Pisces man for 33 years. At least not easily. Words mean nothing to these men. Just make sure to keep her looking forward to it rather than letting the relationship stagnate and not move forward. Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? Did I cheat, unfortunately several times, why b/c he was away, I was ALL alone and a very young military wife to boot. Is your Pisces man not communicating with you? A Libra . Romance and intimacy are highlights of their relationship, but difficulties may arise. Aquarius woman is adventurous and wont mind Pisces taking control. I know it is up to him. But I wouldnt want it with any other man. Motivate her as much as you can 7. She's attracted to a discreet man who won't betray her. One thing about a pisces male is that he loves to be seen and love to flirt. After three years I finally told her I had a crush on her, and she was warm, friendly, there was no doubt she was interested in me, liked me .. At least I would know somewhere in his cold tiny heart he is capable of hot feeling and love. Am aquarius woman, divorced since a few years from a very domining Aris husband. A. Neither of them faces ego clashes. Just cause she seems cold doesnt mean she doesnt love you, it just means you got to step it up and switch it up. In my exp its the women scared of commiting or ghosting without an explanation. Even if you are just calling her every night and proving you are there for the long haul. But first be good friends n go from there. This post may contain affiliate links. 18. The Aquarius woman is strong, independent, blunt in what she says, tells the truth, and is an adventurer at heart. She will fall for those who can be different from all others, and give her impression of exclusivity. They are sensitive,affectionate,committed,romantic and willing to sacrifice for loved ones.They are also least shocked or surprised by Aquarian quirkiness which makes them a perfect partner for an Aquarius female.It also helps that some Pisces men are extremely intelligent,creative and gifted artists.Some of my favorite poets and music artists are Pisces.I find Pisces men extremely charming and could listen to their thoughts and ideas all day long. To attract this woman, impress her with your knowledge of the world, especially art and high society. She is not at all materialistic in any way. I think if you approach her in an accusatory way she will push away but if you approach her in an open and vulnerable way she will want to reassure you. and had 2 kids Family, and our inner circle is everything. You care about their happiness, and in return, they care about yours. (I hate sounding so harsh, sometimes lol ). Being soft and compassionate, he usually proves to be a great partner to women from most of the zodiac signs. I am older now but I am still Aquarius, just an older version hahaha. Aquarius women please dont reply on behalf of Pisces men,thanks! There are some arguments and differences between Pisces man and Aquarius woman. Some of the most endearing qualities of Pisces men are that they are even tempered,flexible, adaptable,arent greedy and materialistic, isnt threatened or intimidated by a strong independent woman and support their women. Tales a lot but yes once at tipping point avoid pushing further until calms down She will hopefully (AS I HAVE DONE) enjoy it more, want it more and appreciate it more than when she is young. Since these two signs are right next to each other, you might wonder, can Aquarius and Pisces be soulmates? Make some decisions about what is acceptable and what exceeds the boundaries around which you seek to protect your partnership. Pisces men are usually introverts and they struggle between wanting to spend all of their time with loved ones and desperately needing some time to themselves to recharge. 4. And b/c of who I am, I think that is what I have to have. Pisces, who is at the end of the zodiac, has become more like a mentor, where Aquarius is still open to experimenting with some parts of life, making them incredibly progressive. They want your attention but not for you to cling to them. This age is based on the signs order in the zodiac. He is completely devoted to a partner and will do anything for her. Next minute he is trying to laugh with me. A bit of both, depending on the mood. I feel like I am doing everything to be with him and he just wants to go the easy path. I am always trying to soothe him and make things good between us I do have my faults and start fights too. No fucking around, in short. Unfortunately as lovely as Pisces man and Aquarius woman could be, they tend to not have a whole lot in common. She was being celebrated, congratulated and welcomed into the outer gates of heaven, where she was being administered to, shown the results of her life as she watched her children and made up with me. Aquarius and Gemini are two zodiac signs that Pisces women should likely refrain from dating, if possible. Then I realised that I dont feel his feelings toward me and I talked about mine. b/c of his affairs. Are there any solutions? A Pisces mans ideal woman is genuine and straightforward, yet knows how to temper her honesty with kindness and compassion. I didnt think any other man would want me and thus remained alone which was a huge mistake. Phew, never again! 7. Lying and cheating. Pisces woman will know this, instinctively, and she will also know exactly how to express herself without making it seem as . They were together for 9.5 yrs. I also didnt realize at the time that I was still very much in the fog after having suffered the loss of my husband of sixteen years. Pisces is a devoted person. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. Dont use sex as a weapon because it might backfire. If you care about a woman you should show her while she is yours. I just dont get that from Pisces. The Pisces man is struggling with family decisions. Any man can be. This one I dont know. So why bother. He can go from seeing her with rose-colored glasses to being surprisingly critical. I have noticed pisces men need a looooooot of alone time which can actually mean he wants to be alone or he wants to be alone with strangers! There are millions of men out there (trust me) that will care about you as a woman and love you and treat you with kindness and the respect you deserve She will need to prove to him that her desire for alone time isnt driven by dissatisfaction in her marriage, and he will have to accept that he is with a partner who needs room to grow as an individual. When you want to attract a Pisces guy, dont be afraid to open up emotionally. Enjoy your time with pisces. Because it is long distance you need to trust eachother. But it is fading. Im obviously not speaking on behalf of all Pisces. Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs, so the initial physical attraction is going to strong between you two. The only difference here is that Aquarius woman will be open about not wanting to give a promise. I can not live my life with him unless he completely changes. This is attractive to the Capricorn man who's looking for a woman with inner strength, but also for a woman who's stable. Aquarius men feel that Pisces women are overly sensitive and too needy, which is annoying and a turn-off for the Aquarius man.. But Id prefer not to be one at all for personal and logical reasons. Fuck games. They're incredibly passionate and crave excitement. Yet, once she has formed an opinion, she rarely changes it, or if she does, it happens very slowly. The Pisces man and Aquarius woman marriage isnt high up on the priority list. Fuck games. It wont be an easy path for either of them but it truly depends on how deep the love is. She also really enjoys travelling and seeing what all is out there. 10 Best Colors For a Winter Wonderland Wedding. They have more in common than not. Does a Pisces man like a woman who is bold and assertive, or meek and submissive? Also, the sweet feminine demeanor of a Pisces woman and her tendency to be flighty about practical matters can mask her intelligence. I say you tell her how you feel and she will understand. For this reason, with a few exceptions, they are not very good matches by zodiac sign. She is an Alice in Wonderland and keeps living in a dreamy unreal world. I can be super romantic as well. Hardly. if I were you but for a VERY short time and I would make my plans to get away July 2020 will be our 3 years of an on and off relationship but we decided to stop breaking up when we cant figure out a common ground during our arguments. My life has been building towards this man and being 32 I finally feel like my life has started on its proper path. I am the one that wonders if my pisces gets bored with the distance. Hi Pisces101, am a true blue Aquarius. But if you dont sense that she is very close to you maybe she could stray because aquarius is searching for the ideal lover. Both. If trust is broken, it is almost impossible to fix. Let her know you love her and you are hers. with mine. Pisces man however, could ruin the mood if he lets his emotions get away with him too much thus making sex less fun than what the Aquarius woman wants to have with him. I love my pisces man so much. He might also be an actor or a poet. Will they want to is more of what they have to consider when figuring out if they want it to be forever or not. When I look in their eyes I see emptiness and blankness, like there is no soul inside. with her he passed away in 2011 r'\?l?`?`"'"'?v-?h?a "'"'- . Mystic advises a virgo man and aquarius people around dating a chaos addict, what are not be . I dont see any reason to bugger about. Her odd behavior does not faze him and he knows how to tolerate such antics. This is often why its easier to have short escapes for alone time to think, and recharge. He would do the same call me nasty names when he was angry at me for whatever happened. That the only advise I can think of She hadnt been very spiritual, didnt seem to be saved, but I can tell you now that I will never judge anyone, nor will I sa tha the only hell that exists is the hell that we need in order to show us our faults. He was up it seemed from about midnight till about 2 a.m. (according to the phone records) chatting with female chatters about sexual topics and masturbating to her voice and her wordsOMG. If you two are close or have talked about the future together, you dont have much to worry about. Our dreaming mentality can be detrimental.Think team work can definitely go a long way. Not good by myself but as a unit yes lets achieve. Your email address will not be published. He has no forgiveness in his heart for simple mistakes like this. To make a Pisces guy attracted to you, you need to show him some affection, too. The relationship can be difficult at first, but over time it will improve and can become very long-lasting. Aquarius and Pisces are the last two signs of the zodiac, making them the oldest or most mature signs. Logical and straight forward. She does not even like having to give orders if she can avoid it. On that note, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this couple a 4. Are Pisces men secretive? It is not necessarily physical passion, but a closeness and romance of the mind. I dont see any reason to bugger about. I always try to have a bit more hope as I know nothing is impossible. Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio respectively. There can be fireworks, but ultimately, the spark will fizzle. I am an aquarius woman with a pisces man long distance. He makes me laugh, cry, smile, and sometimes just want to scream in a good way and also in a bad way. and he passed away in May of 2011 I wonder if he will text me or call again. I have venus in aquarius. And Aquarius placement women have put head in the clouds for this kind of thing happens often. And just see if this makes her act uncomfortable or if she reacts in a positive way, or maybe she will be mad again about the distrust.

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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman
