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sahaba and their qualities

We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. * You should know that GOD's retribution is severe. All Rights Reserved. [9:58] Some of them criticize your distribution of the charities; if they are given therefrom, they become satisfied, but if they are not given therefrom, they become objectors. Recite Durood, Istighfaar and 3rd Kalimah 100 times each in the morning and evening. Since the Quran is the ULTIMATE TRUTH, then we have to believe what God is teaching us in the Quran. He lived a long life and died during the civil war. QURAN IS VERY CLEAR about what happened to these "Sahaba" after Muhammed's death: [3:144] "Muhammad was no more than a messenger like the messengers before him. And to Panama, look at these qualities, honesty, trustworthiness, truthfulness, these were qualities, not only of Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, he had them of the highest degree, like I said, that degree was absolutely rare at the time, which means, you know, if someone came to you, you were honest, then they spoke to you about something Umm Sulaim Ar-Rumaysa When Abu Talha wanted to marry her, she asked him to convert to Islam and his conversion would suffice as her Mahr (wedding gift). Definition of Sahaba: Anybody who met the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), believed in him and died a believer. That is because Allaah has praised them in His Book and they were also praised by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as is narrated in the books of Sunnah. Pay heed unto God, and pay heed unto the Apostle and unto those from among you [76] who have been entrusted with authority; and if you are at variance over any matter, refer it unto God and the Apostle, [77] if you [truly] believe in God and the Last Day. Consequently, GOD augments their disease. So God infuriates the disbelievers through them; God promises forgiveness and a great reward to those who believe and do righteous deeds.. great favor by guiding you to the faith, if you are sincere. Sahih Bukhary; and Sahih Muslim, both reported that same Hadith: The messenger of God, talking to his companions, said, "On the Day of Judgment, some of my Umma (community) will be taken to the left, and I will say; "to where ?". Such is GOD's blessing; He bestows it upon whomever He wills. He has ranked the Sahaba in a total of 12 levels according to his criterion. Rashidun, (Arabic: "Rightly Guided," or "Perfect"), the first four caliphs of the Islamic community, known in Muslim history as the orthodox or patriarchal caliphs: Ab Bakr (reigned 632-634), Umar (reigned 634-644), Uthmn (reigned 644-656), and Al (reigned 656-661). Pray during the night, but you must get some sleep. Our articles are based on Hanafi school, Positive news of Muslim Ummah and research on modern day issues faced by the muslims. His personal disregard to the TRUE SAHABY (Companion) of the Prophet, Ali Ibn Abu Talib only reflects his misguidance and underachievements. That story cant make sense. GOD is Omnipotent. [9:75] Some of them even pledged: "If GOD showered us with His grace, we would be charitable, and would lead a righteous life. While some (minority) of the "Sahaba" were honored in the Quran for their stand beside the Prophet Muhammed and their supporting of him, the majority were not that fortunate, and they were given the right description by God Almighty in the Quran. He migrated to Syria afterwards and spent his life among expatriates as a teacher of Fiqh. The first quality of the Sahaabah was their firm eemaan and yaqeen in the Kalimah Sahaba is the Arabic word for "Companions". That is also discussed in detail in the answers to questions no. It is essential to understand that the Sahaabah were not infallible. Stay updated with our weekly newsletters! Here we witness politics influencing what hadiths to report and what to omit (those praising Ali Ibn Abu Talib). [9:78] Do they not realize that GOD knows their secrets, and their conspiracies, and that GOD is the Knower of all secrets? 4. He said, "Listen, the son of my brother, You do not know what we invented after him. Paradise). 'Ubayd Allah b. He fought all the battles alongside Prophet Muhammad . Please read the whole seerah and you will understand the no muslim at the time of Prophet, specially the Sahaba would never disobey the Prophet. They have been made Saints by the ignorant and traditional Muslims alike. GOD is Rich, while you are poor. While paying the due respect to all the great Sahabas who carried the banner of Islam (Submission) at its birth we cannot agree with the what the traditional Muslims teach about all the sahabas being good. When someone is admitted in the presence of a ruler, he falsely agrees with whatever is said and commends the ruler for what he has not done; that is sedition. If a disbeliever sees Muhammad and then joins the Believers after the demise of Muhammad, he is not a Sahaba; nor is a person called a Sahaba if he converted to Islam afterward although he had seen Muhammad as a Muslim. ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful. They turned back on their heel". GOD is the One who is doing you a Say, "The fire of Hell is much hotter," if they could only comprehend. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of prostration (during prayers). According to tradition, an individual must have: seen Muhammad, believed in his prophethood, and died as a believer in order to be considered a sahabi or companion of the Muhammad (and thereby attain the concomitant theological status). the narrator asked. Zainab Bint Khuzayma She was known for her generosity and passed away two years after marrying the Prophet (pbuh). They acted as if they were being driven to certain death. She is currently working as a freelance content writer in SimplyIslam Academy and SimplyArabic Academy. 6 Quality Of SAHABA - StrongerTogether If anything threatens the community, you see their eyes rolling with fear, as if death had already come to them. GOD is fully aware of the transgressors. GOD rewards those who are appreciative.". Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah. Ali Ibn Abi Talib He grew up in the Prophets (pbuh) home and accepted Islam when he was ten years old. Abdullah Ibn Rawaaha He was the poet who defended Islam with his words. Notice the expression in 48:29, "THOSE AMONG THEM", which tells you, it is not ALL of them. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Ahl al-Sunnah speak well of them, and pray for mercy and forgiveness for them, but they do not believe that anyone is infallible or that anyone is protected from making mistakes in their ijtihaad except the Messenger of Allaah; it is possible for anyone else to commit sins or make mistakes, but they are as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): They are those from whom We shall accept the best of their deeds and overlook their evil deeds. The position that Bukhary took in elevating people who were hypocrites and wicked to the level of Sahaba by his corrupted definition helped nothing but to corrupt the book that he called SAHIH (Authentic). in the Gospel is like plants that grow taller and stronger, and please the farmers. Even Umar May Allah be pleased with him used to consult his intelligence and insight in selecting men during his caliphate. [33:18-19] GOD is fully aware of the hinderers among you, and those who say to their comrades, "Let us all stay behind." Aisha Bint Abi Bakr She narrated more Hadiths than any other woman and was a great scholar of Islam. But if the disbelievers get a turn, they say (to them), "Did we not side with you, and protect you from the believers?" Iman: The companions of the Prophet were constantly tested with hardships one after the other. Last verses of Surah al Imran-Learning Sabr, Ribat and Taqwa. Also, he is recognised as the Sahaba with the most count of hadith relating to Hajj. 70 amazing facts about 70 Sahaba / Companion of Prophet Muhammmad Abu Hurairah May Allah be pleased with him later on became the governor of Bahrain during Umar's caliphate and owned a halal source of income which made him wealthy, but he constantly reminisced about times when he had nothing. Zainab She was the Prophets eldest daughter and passed away during his lifetime. The scholars of hadeeth said: Its isnaad is hasan. According to Shi'as, the Sahaba were no different to the rest of the Muslims in this regard, and the veracity or justice of each companions would need to be established separately. We are only listring them to give them no excuse, using their own language. Anyone who died after rejecting Islam and becoming an apostate is not considered as a companion. Some Muslims assert that they were more than 200,000 in number: it is believed that 124,000 witnessed the Farewell Sermon Muhammad delivered after making Farewell Pilgrimage to Mecca. Bukhary had many hadiths narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas who was a young child during the Prophet's life. Those who refuse to believe God and accept His assertion that the Quran is COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED will only fall to the false lords of religion who decided to improve on God's book and add to it by collecting all kinds of lies and fabrications and put them in a book and claim them to be the Prophet's. Is Saudi Arabia considering cancelling Hajj 2020, Meaning and Explanation of 99 Names of Allah -Part 5 (Seeking help with Asma ul Husna ) Series. Uthman Ibn Talha He was responsible for the keys of the Kabah and this responsibility remains with his descendants until today. Hind Bint Utbah The wife of Abu Sufyan, and the mother of the first Muslim King, Muawiyah. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allaah and (His) Good Pleasure. Allaah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. The Sahaba were the first and best generation of Muslims. shall ignore them, enlighten them, and give them good advice that may save their souls. May Allah accept it from us and benefit you through our articles and resources. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. From the above three definitions, any sincere and guided Muslim can sense the corruption and confusion of Bukhary, a reason for him to get all these corrupted hadiths included in his book. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Quranic Truth About the Prophet's Sahaba - They should not be like the followers of previous scriptures whose hearts became hardened with time and, consequently, many of them turned wicked. Rather, the history of the companions of Prophet Muhammad should be read with the intention that they will help us observe and understand how to behave in society. (Migration To Madinah). In their view, the Quran has outlined a high level of faith as one of the distinctive qualities of the abah. The most famous distribution of the Sahaba has been done by Hakim An Nisabori (a great scholar of Hadith) in his book "Ma'arifatu ulum al Hadith". The majority of Sunni scholars believe that all the prophet's companions were just and righteous individuals (dil), and hence, any mistakes they made or crimes they committed were because of an error in their individual ijtihad. Hudhaifa brought back the good news to Prophet Muhammad upon his safe return to Madinah. He then mentioned that after his mother embraced Islam he went on to deliver the news to Prophet Muhammad when he asked the Messenger of Allah to pray to make his mother and himself beloved to every Mu'min male or female. The testimony of the companions, as it was passed down through trusted chains of narrators (isnads), was the basis of the developing Islamic tradition. Author- Fahmina Jawed No of Pages- 40 What will the child learn: Basics of Islam Price FREE If you like the article consider sharing it. She did so and was buried in Cyprus. He once helped the Muslims of Madaa'in find a suitable place to settle in and his search brought him to Kufa, hence laying the foundation of a future inhabitant city. This is a limited time [], Join TarteeleQuran to learn Quran online Aqeedah for Kids pdf is written for small kids ages 3-10 years. Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Kifaayah (49): Even if there was nothing narrated from Allaah or His Messenger about them, the things that they did such as migrating (hijrah), engaging in jihad, supporting (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Islam), expending their lives and their wealth, killing their fathers and sons (in jihad), sincerely following the deen, believing strongly and with certainty, is definitive proof of their good character and sincerity, and shows that they are superior to all those sincere people of good character who come after them, for all time. Hafsa Bint Umar She was the daughter of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and the custodian of the Quran. had many qualities in their lives. "Al-I`tiqad `ala Madhhab al-Salaf Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a", by, Learn how and when to remove this template message, general involvement in military campaign with Muhammad, "A STUDY OF THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET: GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRlBUTION AND POLITICAL ALIGNMENTS (1999)", "reviewing of the article "Companions of the Prophet" authored by linda L. Kim", "Muawiyah, Gerbang Kehormatan Sahabat (2)", "Companions of the Prophet in view of Quran and Imams", The Companions of the Prophet as seen by the Shi'a and the Sunnis, Sermons of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali b. Abi Talib, from,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from October 2022, Articles having different image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 15:08. As he penetrated the enemy ranks, he heard Abu Sufyan alerting his troops to be aware of Muslim scouts. After becoming a Muslim his main concern was to convince his mother to become a Muslim. [21], Shias consider that any hadith where Muhammad is claimed to have absolved all abah from sin is a false report by those who opposed the Ahl al-Bayt.[22]. They are like standing logs. Shaykh al-Sadi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Those who acknowledge the blessing and affirm it, and who do what it requires of righteous deeds, are the ones on whom Allaah bestows His blessing, to the exclusion of those who are not grateful, for Allaah is wise and He does not place His bounty with one who is not qualified to receive it. (They shall be) among the dwellers of Paradise ___ a promise of truth, which they have been promised. The thing that distinguished him from the rest of the Sahabas was his ability to read faces and recognize evil. 13 Rights of Animals in Islam, Animal rights according to Quran and Hadith. Also killed by Abu Jahl. 'Abbas b. Salim Mawla Abi Hudhaifah He was the slave of Abu Hudhaifa, who freed himand adopted him. Companions of the Prophet - Wikipedia "GOD mocks them, and leads them on in their transgressions, blundering. I dont have space and time here to explain the whole incident. Abu Dharr Al-Ghifaari He was not from Makkah but went to Makkah in search of the Prophet (pbuh) and became an early convert. [m], The Bah Faith recognises the companions of Muhammad. Abdullah Ibn Abbas He was the younger brother of Fadhl and is known as the greatest authority on Tafseer. 3. [5], Some Quranic references are important to Sunni Muslim views of the reverence due to all companions;[6][7][8][9][10][11][f][g][h][i] It sometimes admonishes them, as when Aisha, daughter of the first Sunni caliph Abu Bakr and the wife of Muhammad, was accused of infidelity. "So my friend and I made a supplication to God before Abu Hurairah did and the Prophet began to say Ameen to our dua. [47:38] You are invited to spend in the cause of GOD, but some of you turn stingy. Therefore, he devoted his time to groom his capabilities in that area. (Zikir) The fourth quality is to Fulfil the rights of of our brotherhood The fifth quality is sincerity of intention. The most widespread definition of a companion is someone who met Muhammad, believed in him, and died a Muslim. There are tens of Hadiths listed in the books of Bukhary and Muslim, that show how some of these "Sahabas" were rebellious against God commandments and the Prophet. In the following part we will see how God, who knows all the secrets and declarations described some of these "Sahaba". Their hearts are full of doubt, and their doubts cause them to waver.". The camp's fire was out due to violent wind and the whole area was enveloped in darkness. The man answered: I will not disobey you in anything. ISLAMOPHOBIA-Do you Fear Islam or do you fear Allah? In fact, they are evildoers, but they do not perceive. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. The Quran which is the ultimate truth described some of those who witnessed the Prophet Muhammed , i.e. Ibn al-Mubarak simply responded: "dust particles in Mu'awiyah's nose (while fighting in Hunayn under Muhammad) were better than six hundred Umar (ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz)."[19], Following the consultation of companions about the successor of Muhammad, Shi'i scholars, therefore, deprecate hadith believed to have been transmitted from alleged unjust companions and place much more reliance on hadith believed to have been related by Muhammad's family members and companions who supported Ali. They have set different standards to rule whether a person living during the time of Prophet Muhammad is eligible to be called a Sahabi or Companion as we say in the English language. Majmoo al-Fataawa, 4/434. GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. consequence of their own works? Companions of the Prophet | History, Sahabah, & Hadith He has ranked the Sahaba in a total of 12 levels according to his criterion. Marco Pierre Whites son who has been in rehab 17 times and who spent$1 million on rehab finds peace in Islam, reverts to Islam. Safwan Ibn Umayyah He was the son of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf and only converted to Islam after the battle of Hunayn. As simple as it seems, we can conclude that the "Sahaba", companions of the Prophet Muhammed, were regular people like all the generations before or after them, some of them were good and some were bad. "Allah looked into the hearts of His slaves, and He saw that the heart of Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the best of people's hearts, so He chose him for Himself and sent him with His message. It is interesting to know that the Quran has told Muhammed that he (Muhammed ) does not know these hypocrites among his "Sahaba", because they look the same like everyone else. In Islam, companions of Muammad are classified into categories including the Muhajirun who accompanied Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, the Ansar who lived in Medina, and the Badriyyun who fought at the Battle of Badr. They have been ascribed qualities that they never had or possessed and made sinless and more righteous than any other human being. This is the best [for you], and best in the end. 70 amazing facts about 70 Sahaba / Companion of Prophet Muhammmad, The Female teacher of Imam Shafi-Sayyida Nafisa. Say, "It is better for you that he listens to you. Zubair Ibn Al-Awwam He was the first person to draw his sword in defense of Islam. According to Sunni scholars, Muslims of the past should be considered companions if they had any contact with Muhammad, and they were not liars or opposed to him and his teachings. He was a witness over them during his lifetime; he saw their sacrifices and their sincere resolve, and he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) spoke immortal words of the honour of his companions and his love for them. He believes in GOD, and trusts the believers. The companions are the people who lived and witnessed the Prophet Muhammed. He told them something memorable, as they gathered around him "Beware of sedition". The Sahaabah (r.a.a.) Their good or bad deed will not benefit any of us but will only benefit or harm them. Their example Your single share means a lots to us.Republishing the article is permitted on the condition of proper attributes and link. Wiping his nose with one of them, he said, "Wow! It followed him everywhere he went as if it were his shadow. Nothing like what you describe happened, no one disobeyed the prophet at all. Others agreed with what Umar said. Hudhaifa hurriedly asked the soldier next to him what his name was, thus securing his position without any fight. In their minds there is a disease. See 25:30. , I would like to receive news, tips and tricks, and other promotional material. Then He looked into the hearts of His slaves after the heart of Muhammad, and He found that the hearts of his Sahaba (companions) were the best of peoples hearts, so He made them the supporters of His Prophet, who fought for His religion. Upon Umar's questioning about why he had not kept any furniture in his house? GOD thus seals their hearts and, consequently, they Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6932) and Muslim (1637), Aslm brother, this is really awesome!! The virtue of any deeds is to be judged by the results and consequences. Abdullah bin Salama said: A Muslim asked Mu'aadh Ibn Jabal: Teach me. His most ardent belief was to teach people to learn whatever they like to learn, yet he also emphasized that Allah will not make your learning worthwhile unless you practice what you have learned. Once the crisis is over, they whip you with sharp tongues. I will be told "to the Hell fire" I will say; "God, these were my (Sahaba) companions." Our elders have extracted six such qualities which if we bring into our lives it will be easy for us to bring complete Deen. Rarely do they mobilize for defense. Later Islamic scholars accepted their testimony of the words and deeds of Muhammad, the occasions on which the Quran was revealed and other various important matters of Islamic history and practice. One such incident is reported by Hudhaifa (May Allah be pleased with him) during the battle of Khandaq (Trench). She also passed away during the Prophets lifetime. 6 sifat in English | Then Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf and Uthman, companion and son-in-law of Muhammad and also essential chief of the Banu Umayyah, selected Umar as the second caliph after the death of Abu Bakr and the other Anr and Muhajirun accepted him.[17][18]. This is the same example as in the Torah. End quote. A non Hufaz should recite 1 Juz of Quran a day and the Hufaz should recite 3 Juz daily. Sahabi is someone who saw or met Prophet Muhammad ( May Allah honour Him and grant Him peace) and believed in him as well as died as a Muslim. He was very sympathetic towards animals. NOTE: I did not write (RA) after each Sahabis name, asit is recommended to say it but not obligatory to write it. The two largest Islamic denominations, the Sunni and Shia, take different approaches to weighing the value of the companions' testimonies, have different hadith collections and, as a result, have different views about the abah.[2]. Companion, disciple, scribe or family members of prophet Muhammad, "Sahabi" redirects here. Prophet Companions. Umar Ibn al Khattab said about him on his deathbed "If Abu Ubaida Ibn Jarrah was alive, I would have entrusted him with the caliphate, and if Allah asked me about him, I would say, I assigned the caliphate to the trustworthy of Allah and His Prophet , Abu Ubaida Ibn Jarrah.".

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sahaba and their qualities

sahaba and their qualities

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sahaba and their qualities

sahaba and their qualities
